Stations > CNG > Utah > Orem

Station details for the Sinclair Station Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Orem, Utah

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Station details:

$1.93 per ggeupdated 36 months ago by anonymous

Sinclair Station

490 N 1500 W Orem, UT 84057


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Orem, Utah. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $0.64 to $2.04 per gge. We have data extending back to December 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

User comments

CNG has collected 41 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: AmericanExpress Discover MasterCard VISA
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
11 Jun 2018anonymousBig price drop this week. Down to $1.70
26 May 2014anonymousThis Station has 3600 psi pumps
26 May 2014anonymousThis Station has 3600 psi pumps
22 Sep 2013anonymousstation was completely down this evening.
16 Jun 2013anonymousJune 16, Out of order, no CNG operational.
24 May 2013anonymousI fueled at this station on 5/23 and it was back up.
24 May 2013anonymousI fueled at this station on 5/23 and it was back up.
19 May 2013anonymousAt 11:00 PM the station was completely down.
26 Oct 2011anonymousFull fill at 3600psi
12 Jul 2011anonymousi fill here every other day always 3600-3800
13 Jun 2011anonymousSeems to be down often however, last 3 fills there have been 3800psi..
26 May 2011anonymousout of order today
18 May 2011anonymousWas out of order yesterday. Haven't checked today.
25 Apr 2011anonymousNone of the pumps worked. Waste of time.
12 Apr 2011anonymousThis station is always hit and miss. Some pumps work some don't. Sometimes a good fill other times $.38 worth and have to move to a different pump.
12 Jul 2010anonymousOn 7/10 only one pump working, not suprised marked down today. Questar has now raised prices but still can't make this station reliable.
24 May 2010anonymousI've never had a problem here. 99% of the time it has 3600 psi. Probably my favorite station in Utah.
7 May 2010anonymousThis is the most unreliable station in Utah. It is brand new but it seems that about 20 percent of the time it is down. Please make this station work, we need it to.
17 Dec 2009anonymousTwo new dispensers are up and running. Great pressure with the new 700 CFM compressor and spherical storage, now with both 3600 and 3000 hoses. A third dispenser looks like it will be ready soon. Six hoses for this busy station!
28 Nov 2009anonymousFilled up today with great pressure. New pumps look ready to go. Expect them up and running any time.
26 Nov 2009anonymousAs of about 10:40 AM Thanksgiving day the old compressor appears to be down again. Hopefully they will get the new compressor and dispensors online soon!
14 Aug 2009anonymousOnly about 2800 PSI with compressor running. However, both nozzles are functioning as of 8/13/09. Got 3.5 GGE in my Civic GX.
11 Jun 2009anonymousBoth pumps back up this morning @ 3,000psi
5 Jun 2009anonymousOut of order, no indication of when it will be back up...
5 Jun 2009anonymousBoth pumps were down this afternoon (friday June 5th 2009)
29 Apr 2009anonymousPressure has been questionable at this station over the last several days likely due to the pumps at the Springville Flying J location down for repairs couple with the higher rate being charged at the Alpine School District.
13 Apr 2009anonymousAs per an announcement from Gov. John Huntsman.. this station is supposed to be upgraded in 2009. It would be great to know when.
18 Nov 2008anonymousOnly pump 13 was working pumps read 3000psi.
5 Nov 2008anonymous2200 psi both pumps working.
21 Oct 2008anonymous10-20-08, 5:30PM, pressure was about 2500. No lines though, and both pumps working.
16 Sep 2008anonymousGot a good fill today!! 3200psi, 10gge!!
19 Aug 2008anonymousPump pressure only at 2200 today around 6 PM. I only added .6 GGE to my CNG-only Crown Victoria.
18 Aug 2008anonymousPump pressure has not been very good over the last few days when I have dropped by. I would think this is a least partly due to the Springville location being down.
12 Aug 2008anonymousAt 10 PM last evening the compressor was on and 1 pump was at 0 while the other showed only 1800 PSI.
18 Jun 2008anonymousOnly 1000 PSI yesterday. Service number called. I got 38 cents worth of gas!
12 Apr 2008anonymouslooks like they added some more capacity to this station. They were putting them in Friday 4/11 when I filled up.
10 Apr 2008anonymousPumps are down for maintenance 4/9 for 48 hours
3 Mar 2008anonymous 3/3/08 Orem is again operational.
19 Dec 2007anonymousFilled up with 3200psi today!! 12/19

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