Stations > CNG > California > Cupertino

Station details for the PG&E Cupertino Service Center Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Cupertino, California

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Station details:

$2.24 per ggeupdated 36 months ago by anonymous

PG&E Cupertino Service Center

10900 N Blaney Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Cupertino, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.63 to $3.01 per gge. We have data extending back to December 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 4 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 41 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily, contact station to arrange for car
18 Dec 2016anonymousStation at end of culdesac with 36ft wide lane entering and 45ft width overall-not likely big enough for class 8 semi to turn around but plenty of room for box trucks.
21 May 2013anonymousOnly got a 3200 psi fill from the yellow 3600 psi hose today 5/21. The steel plates are still on the ground in front of the pump, I assume the facility upgrade is still in progress.
7 May 2013anonymousI Got a partial fill of about 2800psi at 1030am 5/7 from the yellow 3600psi hose.
5 May 2013anonymousStation is now completely closed.
2 May 2013anonymousThe station is working but the 3600 pump is deliverng only just under 3000osi. The station is not closed at this time.
23 Jan 2013anonymousFROM PGE The CNG equipment located at the Cupertino CNG station on 10900 N. Blaney Avenue will be getting replaced beginning on Thursday, January 24th. The replacement of the equipment will take approximately two months and during this time the station will experience periodic outages as certain pieces of equipment are removed and replaced. In addition, the station will be supported by a portable compressor with limited fueling capabilities so you will notice decreased fueling pressures during this time.
2 Oct 2012anonymousThe Cupertino CNG station is heavily utilized and does not have enough storage fuel on site to handle the demand. The Cupertino CNG station is scheduled to be rebuilt with brand new compressors and upgraded storage vessels by late this year/early next year.
9 Sep 2012anonymousVery reliable station. However, avoid going there during noon time. Garbage trucks will be pumping & u have to wait for a long time.
15 Jun 2012anonymousJust filled up tonight. Both pumps were working just fun. How ever on the 3600 PSI I only got 13.4 GGE in my 20 GGE Tanks. Joe
9 May 2012JoeMartinezVery Nice clean Station . Has both 3000 PSI and 3600 PSI and I filled up last night and got a good solid fill up on my 3600 system.
6 Jul 2011anonymousOver the weekend, we stopped here on our vacation, coming from Santa Cruz, and found the return/vent hose fitting was/is loose on the 3600 side. I was able to hand tighten it, and got an average fill.
28 Jun 2011anonymousOnly got about 80% fill; only about 3000 psi on 3600psi pump
17 Jun 2011anonymousHose#1 3000psi gave less than 1 GGE before shut off. Tried 3 times no luck?
16 May 2011anonymousFilled her 4-5 times.. always get OK fill... 90% or so..
6 May 2011anonymousCouldn't get a 3600psi fill, it was more like 3300psi :(
4 May 2011anonymousMy very first fill ever ... yay!! Used the 3600psi pump. GX gas gauge was missing 1 bar.
20 Mar 2011anonymousFilled up on Saturday 3/19/2011, but only got about 90% fill from the 3600 psi pump. Civic GX gas gauge was missing the first 2 boxes.
18 Mar 2011anonymousWent back and found 3600psi pump back up and running. Got fairly good fill.
18 Mar 2011anonymous3600psi station was down on 3/18/11. Had a note that looked like it was from a user not from PG&E.
8 Feb 2011anonymousStation is up and running again. Got a good 3600 psi fill.
28 Jan 2011anonymousStation closed this morning, no word on why or when it will be back up! Also, never get more than ~3300 psi from the 3600 pump. Maybe they are fixing it...
19 Aug 2010anonymous3600psi pump was only giving ~3100psi, but now got solid 3600psi. Good fill.
11 Jul 2010anonymous3600psi pump is working again. good fill.
8 Jul 2010anonymous3600 PSI pump not working today. Tech called. 3000 PSI pump is still working well.
9 Apr 2010anonymousfilled up 3600psi pump at 3300
5 Apr 2010anonymousI received an email today saying that the station is open now.
19 Feb 2010anonymousI rec'd an email from Mike Trevino (MCT9@PGE.COM) indicating that this station should be re-opening at the end of February 2010. For some reason, the Fire Marshal shut it down.
24 Nov 2009anonymousDear Valued Customer, ....Due to the number of recent mechanical issues ...... The station will be closed to the public effective November 25th at 5pm. The station will reopen to the public after the first of the year..
24 Nov 2009anonymousStation closed for repair from 11/25 5pm, reopening after first of next year.
19 Nov 2009anonymouscompressor still down
28 Oct 2009anonymousonly filling to 1000 psi
23 Sep 2009anonymousPump is back up but fills 2000K using portable compressor.
11 Sep 2009anonymousPumps down "Until Further Notice"...
21 Aug 2009anonymousGot 3300psi today. Station is using some sort of internal combustion engine driven compressor, not their usual electric compressor.
8 Jul 2009anonymousPumps back up and running 3Kpsi
23 Jun 2009anonymousPumps were down last week, Fixed but very poor PSI out of both pumps 2800 max.
5 Nov 2008anonymousPump #2 is online. Happy Filling
23 Oct 2008anonymousPump #2 is offline. Use #1, Great fills in Cupertino.
30 Jul 2008anonymouscurrent price available from download g-ngv2

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