Stations > CNG > California > Santa Ana

Station details for the Clean N Green Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Santa Ana, California

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Station details:

$1.94 per ggeupdated 26 months ago by anonymous

Clean N Green

1719 South Santa Fe Street Santa Ana, CA 92705


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Santa Ana, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.74 to $2.55 per gge. We have data extending back to August 2011 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 3 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 51 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

1 Aug 2018NinjadogmaStation is online but there is a known issue with the credit card terminal experiencing outages that they are actively working to address.
31 Jul 2018NinjadogmaThis station - Clean N Green at Santa Fe Ave. is currently unable to process credit cards. It has been acting up for about a month sometimes going offline and sometimes would go through on a 2nd or 3rd attempt but now it's not working at all. I have contacted them twice this week and hopefully they will be back online shortly. Normally a very reliable station with good fills at a fair price.
21 Jun 2018anonymous$1.95 all pumps working
22 Jan 2017anonymousprice increased to $1.85; all pump working
9 Nov 2016anonymous11/9/16: all pumps working. $1.80/gal
31 Oct 2016anonymous10/31/16: pump #2 & #3 out of service. Pump #4 ok. Reported to 800-331-3441 today.
20 Aug 2015anonymousThis station has always been operational. If you ever have a question about our operations, please always call 800-331-3441. Sometimes, folks inadvertently change the status.
1 Apr 2015labronGreat new Price at the station, now down to 1.999. If you have comments, or questions, please call us at 800-331-3441!
12 Mar 2015anonymousSome dispensers at Clean N' Green may have a nozzle specifically designed to fuel larger, heavy-duty vehicle, these nozzles are typically black. Most Clean N' Green Stations have yellow and black nozzles, very few have blue for 3000 psi.
12 Mar 2015anonymousGreat new price of 2.149 p/GGE. Great customer service team to help if you have any trouble!
6 Feb 2015robodudeDoes not have a 3000 PSI pump identified, only one pump has a black colored nozzle, too large to engage my car's 3000 PSI valve. Only 3600 PSI pumps active. Not sure what this large black colored nozzle is for, a special truck?
5 Oct 2014ymbkCard reader down on 10/3/14
4 Oct 2014ymbkCard reader down on 10/3/14
25 Jan 2014anonymousPump No.3 is not working.
20 Jan 2014anonymous1-20-14 card reader NOT working
17 Jan 2014anonymouspump #2 is out as well today.
13 Jan 2014rockshpump #3 was out for more than a month!!!
23 Oct 2013anonymousAddress is 1791 on google maps, not 1719
15 Oct 2013anonymousOne pump is down,
27 Aug 2013anonymousgood fill on 3600 8/26. pump 3 was not working, I filled up on pump 2. no rubber tips on the nozzles so avoid banging your car. fill works fine without rubber tips though. this location has a sani-hut, which was clean & very welcome on a long drive.
26 Aug 2013anonymousClean N' Green always posts their price on our website - Unfortunately, we cannot control those who change the price on this website and apologize for the confusion. Please feel free to contact us at 1.800.950.3835 for any issues.
4 Aug 2013anonymousI can personally confirm price is now 2.19. I was the poster who posted 1.76 on 6/7 and it was always 1.76 until the recent change to 2.19. The sign read 2.14, but price paid and shown on pump was 1.76. I have receipts. I found it very strange that another poster and people reporting price changes kept changing the price higher than 1.76 when it was still 1.76. People were deliberatly trying to misreport the price. I don't know what their motivations were, but it was intentional and it was a disservice to other users to report the wrong higher prices. Another poster tried to clarify that the digital sign that could be seen from the street was wrong and only 1.76 was being charged. And still the wrong higher price change reports kept coming. Now the price has gone up 43 cents in one fell swoop. I'm going back to the Anaheim 1.99 stations.
20 Jun 2013anonymousposted price at station is actually 2.14, this webiste shows incorrect pricing
12 Jun 2013anonymousPrice on the pumps is 1.759 and price on the digital sign is $2.14. Not sure what's up with that. Had a few 3800+psi fills there this week on pump #2.
7 Jun 2013llcng6/7/13 $1.76 best in oc!
21 Aug 2012anonymousWent on 8/17/12 around 6:30pm. 2400psi fill (per pump gauge). About 5/8 tank on car gauge. Tried two pumps. Same result.
26 Jun 2012anonymousWent on 6/23/12 around 10PM and only got 2400lbs (per the pump gauge).
21 Jun 2012anonymousSo sorry for the confusion. The price sign was changed but not the dispenser price. You were charged the $1.89 GGE despite the dispenser not being changed.
19 Jun 2012anonymousFor the third time tonight I went to this station to find the price $.11 higher than listed online. I filled each time anyway and got great fills.
5 Apr 2012anonymousFilled up at pm night and it's very brightly lit. There's a portajohn there too. 1.99 and it gave me a full fill at pump #3.
19 Mar 2012anonymousPump #3 has a big sticker saying 3600psi, but the pressure gauge said it only put in 3000. My car's gauge verified the lousy fill. Tried to pull around to another pump, but card reader declined the 2nd swipe. Otherwise, great. This is my primary filling station.
13 Feb 2012anonymousAs a thank you for your patience during our start-up issues, we’ll be doing free lunch for the first 50 purchasing customers on Feb 29th from 11:30 am -1:30 pm. Hope to you see you there!
10 Feb 2012anonymousFuel station operators read and respond in this forum. Called customer service for this station 3-4 times over two month period about receipt printer and no fix. Post here and in about a week, fixed.
7 Feb 2012anonymousWe are working to get the printer fixed and appologize for the delay.
31 Jan 2012anonymousNo receipts for maybe two months now. Please fix printer, slight price increase... otherwise great
23 Jan 2012anonymousIf you mark our station as not working, could you please contact us to let us know or post online here so we can make sure it's fixed. Thank you!
9 Jan 2012anonymousGreat cheap fill. Good pressure.
19 Dec 2011anonymousTwice last week the gauge did not exceed 2800 psi befor it shut off. I got a few short fills. I notice this station is listed as out of order as I went to write this comment. I hope they fix it. This has happened to me several times before.
2 Dec 2011anonymousPressure Gauge on pump didn't exceed 3800, but in car filled all bars. Card reader asked for 5 or 9 digit Zip code, and it took my 5 digits 1st try.
6 Nov 2011anonymousGreat fill. Make sure you know your ZIP+4 code, as my card wouldn't authorize until I entered my full 9 digit ZIP. They need to fix this - I didn't fill up the first two times here as I thought it was broken.
11 Oct 2011anonymous2 pumps still working fine, full fills @3600 psi
6 Oct 2011anonymousWas working on 10/4/11, not sure why it keeps showing up on this web-site as "non-operational".
27 Sep 2011anonymousWe do have 2 working pumps, 1-3600 and 1-5000. The last 2 hoses for the pumps are awaiting delivery. We applogize. We will be putting in a port-a-potty in the next few weeks. If you have any questions or issues, please call us at 1.800.950.3835.
18 Sep 2011anonymousStill giving error. But there was a taxi driver who got it to work after. I called # on the pay station and was told they don't handle California stations. Rather odd. Would like to very much use this clean, well lighted station next time I am in OC.
5 Sep 2011anonymousThis station should add signs around the area to point motorists to the right location as like other CNG stations. CC reader still buggy in declining on the zipcode even though same CC and zipcode worked at other places.
4 Sep 2011anonymousNice station, but very hard to find. Don't give up, it really exists. It is tucked in behind the Waste Management operation...
2 Sep 2011anonymousStation is operational with 2 pumps, 1 at 3600 and 1 at 5000 for the big trucks. They are working to get the other 2 pumps at 3600. Told me that they are working out a few hiccups, but station is up and running! Very nice!
1 Sep 2011anonymousStation has 4 pumps with one 3000psi. Pumps 3 & 4 are out of order. Pump 1 has an industrial nozzle on it that doesn't fit my 2011 Honda Civic GX. Pump 2 is 3600psi. CC reader only takes MC or V. It kept giving an AVS DATA error. Next to WM facility.
27 Aug 2011anonymous2 of 4 pumps working, CC reader fine, was only able to get 3100 psi, but at $1.799 I'm not complaining. I'm sure they are working start-up bugs out; a little off beaten path, but I'm happy for another low cost option!
26 Aug 2011anonymousCredit card reader does not work
23 Aug 2011anonymousGrand Opening August 24, 2011 at noon. Free Fill ups from 12:30 - 2:30 pm

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