Stations > CNG > California > Ripon

Station details for the City of Ripon Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Ripon, California

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Station details:

$3.03 per ggeupdated 36 months ago by anonymous

City of Ripon

339 Doak Blvd Ripon, CA

  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

This station was marked non-operational by anonymous on 2021-04-20. (no gas is pumping)
Report this station as operational again.


The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Ripon, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $2.02 to $3.08 per gge. We have data extending back to June 2009 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 3 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 26 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Jun 2020VifferPrice $3.03 as of 6-20-20. A little on the expensive side considering regular unleaded is selling for around $2.50 in the area. Takes all major credit cards. Pressure seems OK, I could just about get to 3600. No bathroom or services.
29 Aug 2018anonymousUsed earlier this month 08/2018 on drive from Socal to Norcal no problems very well maintained station. Nicely lit I'm a young woman and I felt fine being at a station so late at night.
3 Jan 2015anonymousFilled here on my way from SF to LA, the station wouldn't give me a good fill even though it was the middle of the night. If travelling south make sure to fill before and use this as a top-off only.
20 Sep 2014300mileclub(209) 599-2151
10 Feb 2014wzelhoferopen:24 hours, fill:3600psi, pay:creditcard
21 Oct 2013anonymousWorking great is accepting credit cards
28 Jun 2013anonymousApproximately 11:30 on a Friday morning and the credit card machine was not working (power out?) and so of course I couldn't get any gas. I was lucky enough to make it to Tesei Petroleum in Madera (I don't have my PG&E card yet for Merced). Also there was no contact information at the station for assistance. Just a sign indicating that they accept credit cards. Considering the last comment, I don't think I would rely on this station being available.
2 Apr 2013EllcoSunday 03-31-2013 power out on card reader and pumps, 3rd time that I know of, BUT a reliable station during the week when city vehicles are running
21 May 2012anonymousCan anyone tell me how fast the station will fill? How many GGE's per minute?
5 Apr 2012anonymousI filled up my Civic GX in Ripon on Feb 26, 2012 and it was a good 100% fill. Standard nozzles and open 24/7, no gates accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover
19 Oct 2011anonymousExcellent station: clean, well lit, 24/7, 3600 psi, $2 GGE, good pumps!
10 Sep 2011anonymousThe previous post is incorrect. This station IS open to the public and the nozzles do fit my Civic GX (and many other non-city vehicles that I have watched fuel up there). Be sure to use the correct card reader as one is just for city vehicles.
21 Aug 2011anonymousRipon Station on Stockton St & Doak St is NOT open to public. Nozzles do NOT fit on non-city vehicles. Woman at Chamber of Commerce said it is owned by city of Ripon and for their use only. Had to drive to Stockton station 30 minutes north.
6 Jul 2011anonymousStopped here on the way to Merced, larger card reader seemed to be stuck in receipt issue mode (if there is such a thing) and could not get it to start a process to take any of my cards.. Too bad, as the pressure indicated was 4200 ..
22 Feb 2011anonymous2/22/2011 Gas pump working fine they even have a drive through car wash if you want to wash your car , however everything is automated. Gas is $2.02 GGE 3600 PSI
3 Dec 2010anonymousFilled up here on 12/2/2010 on the way to San Francisco from Orange County. Got a great fill that took me into SF and all the way back to Los Banos with plenty of fuel to spare. $2.02 - paid with Visa.
29 Nov 2010anonymousFilled up on 11/24 at 3600 psi - no problems. Used MC $2.02/ gge
13 Aug 2010anonymousCompressor sometimes trips on weekends & needs to be reset Monday by Ripon Public Works staff. 2K fill typical after a trip.
27 Nov 2009anonymousOpen 24/7 w/ 3600 psi. There are 2 card readers, and no instructions on which one to use! Avoid the smaller reader. The larger reader seemed to accept an AMEX card, but then went on to ask my employee number(?!)and failed. Only a Visa card worked.
13 Nov 2009anonymousI use station regularly. Accepts Visa/MC. AmEx NO, Discover doubtful. Card reader generally reads my VISA card within several swipes. Reader likes simple cards (not airline mile types).
11 Nov 2009anonymousI tried to use by swiping my Discovercard. The screen says:"Invalid Account". Do I have to set up an account to use? + Anyone with station operator's phone number? Thanks.
28 Sep 2009anonymousTook a trip from LA to SF last night. Made this one of my way points. Open 24/7 Accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discovery and Amex.
27 Sep 2009anonymousCan someone comment what form of payment is accepted and operational hours are for this station?
8 Sep 2009anonymousVery good fill, solid 3600psi if not higher
18 Jul 2009anonymousTwo Pumps - 3600 PSI Only
30 Jun 2009anonymousCorrection, I was informed the correct price as of 6/19 was 2.02, not 2.20

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