Stations > CNG > California > San Diego

Station details for the SDG&E Service Center - Miramar Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in San Diego, California

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Station details:

$2.17 per ggeupdated 36 months ago by BigDaddy2

SDG&E Service Center - Miramar

6875 Consolidated Way San Diego, CA 92121


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in San Diego, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $0.86 to $2.85 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 7 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 52 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily, contact station to arrange for car
4 Jun 2017anonymousAll the pictures shown are of the old station. The new station has double pumps with the updated, squeeze-handle nozzle
16 Feb 2017surething88Is finally open again as of 2/15/2017; the nozzle I used did not seal properly to my Honda GX receptacle and made a loud banging noise when near full, so I pushed the handle to off to stop it before it could actually fill the tank.
19 Dec 2016surething88They appear to be very close to reopening, but this station is still closed as of Mon., 12/19/2016. Was supposed to have reopened mid-October, then mid-November.
14 Jul 2016anonymousStation is currently CLOSED for upgrade...a big upgrade. I spoke to SDG&E last wee regarding an opening date - no set date at this time.
4 Apr 2016surething88This station will be closed for remodeling sometime in April 2016 and reopen in October.
14 Mar 2016anonymousThe one remaining hose (3000) would not seal properly against the receptacle of my GX today (3/13/2016). Nozzle assembly is pretty worn. Called in the problem; they said they'd send somebody out to fix it on Monday the 14th. They also mentioned they may soon replace the entire pump, given the 3600 side has been out of operation for a long time.
12 Mar 2016anonymousI spoke with a SDG&E representative this week. This is what I was told; The station will be NON-OPERATIONAL from mid-March thru mid-August while they install a new pump (several new pumps?). So, this will be quite a nuisance for the summer. Looks like the queue at the county admin pump off Claremont Mesa will be long.
18 Feb 2016anonymousThe 3600 side of the pump is shut down, and has been for months. SDG&E is replacing/upgrading the entire station so it'll be a few more months before the 3600 side is back up. The 3000lb side still works.
15 Feb 2016anonymousNot working last 3 weeks. Doesn't look like they intend to fix it.
4 May 2014anonymousPumps are shut down. Looks like one of the hoses is broken.
20 Jan 2014anonymousCalled the 800 number shown for this station and the lady for SDG&E had no info about this station. She said they do not have a service center at the location listed, so it's not their station.
28 Oct 2013anonymousWorks okay. 3600 pump stops filling my NGV usually around 82%, less if a truck or bus has just used the pump.
4 Dec 2012anonymousStation works great. Have to watch a video to get a pin after that. pin should work for that card for other stations of this company. Has a big black dot on screen but you can work around it. Thumbs up good price.
18 Nov 2012anonymousAverage fill from station, 3600. Didn't have any issues with the Credit Card reader.
17 Oct 2012twospirit69I have used the 3600 PSI at this station two days in a row this week. It is operational.
16 Oct 2012twospirit69Just fueled up with the 3600 about an hour ago. Station operating and filled tank to 95% capacity.
3 Sep 2012anonymousNozzle handle on 3600 psi side broken.
8 May 2012unexpectedlyVisited on 4-28. Note that the "yes" sticker on the pump is actually a button. Not realizing this confuses the process greatly. Great fill, if a bit noisy, but loving the price!
15 Mar 2012anonymousOperational as of 1:00pm on 01/13/12
7 Mar 2012anonymousStation is down as of @5:00pm 03/07/12. Sign posted on unit.
7 Mar 2012anonymousSDGE says unit will be back in service tomorrow evening. Kearny Mesa station is operational.
4 Dec 2011anonymousNot printing receipts; apparently out of paper.
24 Sep 2011anonymousThe 3600 hose nozzle is leaking compressor oil(09/22). i called SDGE and informed them of the problem. a tech called me back and said they have been have problems with that compressor and someone would come out and put a new filter on. BEWARE!!!
24 Sep 2011anonymousupdate on oil in 3600 nozzle; checked 09/23 and problem still exists. called SDGE again and they said they would send someone out (again). save yourself posssible expensive repairs and avoid this pump.
3 Jul 2011anonymousIn my last three visits there, on different days of the week, and at different times of the day, the fill percentage was a low of 54% to a high of 78%.
15 Apr 2011anonymous85% fill on 3600 pump on 4/14/11. 86% fill on same pump 4/7/11. Just can't seem to ever get to 100% or even over 90% now.
8 Apr 2011anonymousPumps working on evening of 4/7/11. However, only got 86% fill on 3600 pump. Repaved lot looks very nice.
7 Apr 2011anonymousParking lot is finished and open, but pumps still not working.
30 Mar 2011anonymousStill closed.
28 Mar 2011anonymousWent by it yesterday (3-27); is still closed.
24 Mar 2011anonymousStation will be down until March 25th for paving.
13 Mar 2011anonymousShould have checked this site first. Station not working, AGAIN. Very unreliable.
6 Mar 2011anonymousThis location will be closed for 2 weeks from 3/10/11 to 3/23/11 because the pavement is being re-done and re-surfaced.
10 Feb 2011anonymousMenu screen down on both sides and unresponsive to credit card swipes or button pushes as of 2/9, 4:30 p.m.
29 Jan 2011anonymous10:30 a.m. Out of service. AGAIN. Don't plan a trip in reliance on this station. Convenient location, good prices, but unreliable.
4 Jan 2011anonymous3000 psi side out of order
30 Dec 2010anonymousNew compressor installed. All high pressure tanks replaced. fast Fill. For now 3000 PSI fill only but the station will offer 3600 psi fills very. Niice SDG/E upgrade in progress. 3000 psi fills working fine 12/30/10
14 Sep 2010anonymousTook four attempts to get transaction approved. Received two "Timed Out" errors and two "Pump In Use" errors. 87% fill
31 Jul 2010anonymousNeither pump working today. Yikes.
6 Jul 2010anonymousReceived a 100% fill from 3600psi front pump this evening.
27 Jun 2010anonymousThe outer pump now fills at 3600 PSI and the indicator is fixed.
19 May 2010anonymousGot 85% in my GX on front (3600 psi) pump also, but likely because AT&T service van filled up ahead of me.
6 May 2010anonymousFront pump says 3600 psi, rear says 3000. GX fills to 85% on front pump.
23 Apr 2010anonymousUCSD shuttle buses and AT&T service vans often fill up here on weekday evenings around 8 p.m., so you may not get a full tank if you come in after they do.
9 Aug 2009anonymousPump seems to be low on CNG and not refilling quickly; got only 23% yesterday afternoon and only 12% this morning.
26 May 2009anonymousPump 2 (outer) only filled up to 63%.
3 Nov 2008anonymousOk, if you use the inner pump (the one against the wall) it will fill up to 100%.
30 Oct 2008anonymousOnly fills my GX up to 74% then stops. Display can be read but may be inaccurate.
29 Aug 2008anonymous% filled display impossible to read due to apparent vandalism
14 Feb 2008anonymousAll major credit cards accepted. Open 24 hours.

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