Stations > CNG > California > Riverside

Station details for the City of Riverside Corporation Yard Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Riverside, California

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Station details:

$1.83 per ggeupdated 36 months ago by anonymous

City of Riverside Corporation Yard

8095 Lincoln Avenue Riverside, CA 92504


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Riverside, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.01 to $2.96 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 3 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 72 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: AmericanExpress Discover MasterCard VISA Voyager
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
30 Jun 2016greynoldsNOTICE: The City of Riverside has officially retired 3000 PSI service at this location. This is due to the non-existence of vehicles that have tanks rated at 3000 PSI that are legally in operation. All 3000 PSI tanks that were manufactured are all now expired.
27 Jan 2016greynoldsPlease Note: The City of Riverside is in the process of retiring the 3,000 PSI service. This is because there are not vehilces using this service that are legal for operation due to tanks being expired.
7 Jan 2016mdb4282Filled up today for $1.479 per gge
15 Dec 2015greynoldsRegarding comment about discontinuing 3,000 PSI service on 2015-06-26 - This is correct, we are in the planning stages of discontinuing 3,000 PSI service as there are no known vehilces using this lower pressure that can be legally operated due to tank expiration. The last known tanks that were manufactured using this pressure was 15 years ago, these tanks are all now expired - Mgmt
15 Dec 2015greynoldsStation fully operational - All major credit cards accepted - Several Fleet cards accepted - 100% uptime since opening - Mgmt
23 Oct 2015nickl630payment issue fixed, station operational again
15 Oct 2015nickl630station NOT working as of 10/15/15, installed new credit card/ID readers. sat there for 20 minutes with other people trying to figure them out with no luck. keeps asking for ID number when selecting credit card, then stops responding. had to limp over to the corona station
23 Jul 2015anonymousgood station with a good price. does get crowded though.
26 Jun 2015robodude3000 PSI pump will be removed within one month, way to go for the environment. Expensive vehicle upgrade to 3600 PSI system is pushed
29 Jul 2014whisperingshadowpump#5 didnt give a full fill this week, think its running at 3000
22 Apr 2014anonymousOperational on 04/21/14 @10:45pm. 2 of 3 stations in Moreno Valley/Riverside area down today.
14 Aug 2013anonymousI've been filling here for several years, Thanks so much for keeping the price down, and REALLY taking the lead in promoting CLEAN ENERGY!! Thanks for the mechanics keeping everything working.
4 Jun 2013anonymousthis is a good low price station...but much traffic at some times
18 Feb 2013anonymousAll non-Clean Energy stations got slammed, by someone, between Dec 12,2012 and Dec22, 2012 with a Non-Operational Status. I filled at this station on Feb 12, 2013, no problem. The City of Riverside wouldn't let this stay station down this long. Too many city vehicles use it.
10 Feb 2013anonymousStation is fully operational @ 1.34/gallon. New filler nozzles to be installed soon. They more like a traditional gasoline nozzle and are supposed to fill faster. FYI
10 Feb 2013anonymousFueled here on 2-9-13 at midnight. Great fill! I don't know why its marked nonoperational. pumps 5 and 6 work fine.
20 Dec 2012anonymousConfirmed Operational 12/20/2012 @929am. Talked with Stephanie.
19 May 2012anonymousStopped here 11 pm Thurs night 5/17 and got a great fill at 3600 psi. Really easy to use.
12 May 2012anonymous5-12-2012 3600 pumps 5&6 were working at 1000. Got a good fill.
27 Apr 2012anonymousFilled 4/25/2012 at 10pm. 3600 psi, decent fill. Always reliable. Best prices in so cal if you are in the area. I always make a point to fill up here if passing by just because of the price.
10 Apr 2012anonymousWhy is the price so much higher than before?
18 Mar 2012anonymousStation is operational as of 6:30pm on 03/17/12. I filled up once in afternoon and again in evening.
11 Mar 2012anonymousAll pumps operational.
23 Feb 2012anonymousPump 5 and 6 are down, only 1 3600PSI till station available
22 Jan 2012anonymousPumps are operational
17 Jan 2012anonymousPump #16 down 1-16-12, but parts are due in 1-18-12 to repair.
29 Dec 2011anonymousAll pumps are working as of 12-28-11
27 Dec 2011anonymous3000 PSI pump STILL not working!
26 Dec 2011anonymous3000 PSI pump is not working!
25 Dec 2011anonymous3000 psi (pump #15) said "pulser failure on this hose" when I attempted to fill up on christmas day.
2 Sep 2011anonymousBest station in CA. Great fill, low price, and dependable. I fill up at least once a week.
2 Aug 2011anonymousWhy do I feel so ripped off everywhere else??? Great setup, clean, easy to use, only missing a toilet. And you can't beat the price!
21 Jul 2011anonymous3000 psi has been working again since yesterday. FANTASTIC station with the lowest price in California.
18 Jul 2011anonymous3000 psi pump is still out of service
14 Jul 2011anonymousthe station is open but 3000 psi is out of service
12 Jul 2011anonymousAll cng pumps down until 07/18
10 Jul 2011anonymouscng pumps now closed for maintenance till july 18th at 6:00am.
24 Jun 2011anonymousPump 15 working again
20 Jun 2011anonymous3000 psi side, Pump 15, down.
9 Jun 2011anonymousPer the notice on the pumps, maintenance is now to begin July 8th and continue through July 18th. The pumps will be closed during this time.
7 Jun 2011anonymousPump maintenance moved to July.
6 Jun 2011anonymousSite was operational as of 06-04-11 at 8:30 pm.
8 May 2011anonymous3000 psi side working again. Just filled up our 98 crown vic without any problems. Pressure around 3200 psi.
5 May 2011anonymous3000 psi side down
14 Apr 2011anonymousMaintenance rescheduled for June will double the storage capacity, allowing the city of Riverside to run the compressors overnight. Read more here:
29 Mar 2011anonymousThis station competes with my home fueler in pricing. Fast fueling. Great price.
26 Mar 2011anonymousStation closure has been postponed from Apr 2011 to June 2011.
12 Mar 2011anonymousThis station will be closed from April 2, until April 10 2011 according to flyers posted.
11 Feb 2011anonymousFantastic station. I go there at least five times a week. Even when school buses and dump trucks fill up, the pressure is still at least 3600 psi.
8 Feb 2011anonymousOK. I will answer my own question then. From Lincoln Ave, go south (towards the rail road tracks) on St Laurence St about 200 yards. Make a right into the parking lot. Open 24/7. Thanks so much!!
20 Jan 2011anonymousI went to find this filling station in October, 2010 on a Sunday. I could not find it and the security guard at the gate did not know anything. Can someone provide directions or a landmark, please. The addresses are not posted on the street. Thanx
31 Dec 2010anonymousgreat place to refuel psi fills at 3000 or 3600
23 Nov 2010anonymousGreat find for a fueling stop between San Diego and Big Bear! Card reader separate from pump in middle of island. Enter pump number, insert and pull credit card out; quick validation; pump ready; press start on pump. Multiple pumps.
3 Aug 2010anonymousStill a buck thirty! Woo Hoo!
10 May 2010anonymousunited taxi cabs driver: just letting you know this Station is operational, psi 3000 and 3600.
7 May 2010anonymousI drive a CNG Taxi (fore crown vic) 3600 psi, it cost under $13.00 to fill my taxi when near empty, all i can say is WOW..
8 Feb 2010anonymousGood place to fuel. Best Pricing. Full Fill
25 Dec 2009anonymousBest place in CA for CNG, however don't go at 8 AM or 4 PM. All the busses and city vehicles are filling up. No lines EVER at night.
6 Nov 2009anonymousBest price in SoCal. Visa/MC. No receipt. Open 24 hrs. Decent pressure fill.
21 Sep 2009anonymousUse Visa here on 9/19/09, no problem No receipt issued, great location and price
10 Jun 2009anonymousGota love these guys, they try not to rip us off - lowest prices in so cal and good systems.
22 Apr 2009anonymousHasn't given receipts in a couple of years.
12 Mar 2009anonymousUse this facility all the time with credit card, its just not posted on reader.
7 Mar 2009anonymousSaw no slot for regular credit card; reader only takes special city-issued cards according to a school bus driver who was there
21 Feb 2009anonymousNo receipts
9 Dec 2008anonymousOnly 2000 psi today. Five city vehicles were waiting for something to get fixed. Pump 15 nozzle is missing a part but it works.
2 Dec 2008anonymousEverything is working well. Nice 3600 fill this morning.
6 Jun 2008anonymousUsually good fill was low today. About 2500.
27 Apr 2008anonymousImpressive site. Largest volume CNG in So CA (they said). Multiple fueling lanes and pumps. Easy to use with credit card, training info printed on pumps. On 4/25, 26 3600 psi fill was maybe a little shy (I used pump 8 both times).

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