Stations > CNG > California > Corona

Station details for the City of Corona Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Corona, California

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Station details:

$2.06 per ggeupdated 60 months ago by anonymous

City of Corona

430 N. Cota Street Corona, CA 92880


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Corona, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.27 to $2.79 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 7 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 142 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours
20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: VISA MasterCard
29 Apr 2019anonymousstopped at 10pm, well lit location and good good fill. $2/gge
2 Mar 2018anonymousUse this station every 3-4 days - always working - next to police station
12 Feb 2018anonymous2 Pumps - reliable - 3600 PSI - Filled up today
12 Feb 2018anonymous2 Pumps - reliable - 3600 PSI - Filled up today
28 Jan 2018anonymousPresident Obama put coal fired power plants out of business. They have to now be fired with natural gas. More demand, higher prices...
10 Aug 2016anonymousWhy is gas going down and CNG is up? WTF!?
27 Oct 2015bigmarkOne pump not working (the original one) long wait times.
30 Dec 2014anonymousStation was recently expanded to two pumps - capacity to fill 4 vehicles at a time. One of the nicest stations in the area in terms of reliability and price.
21 Jun 2014anonymousI've stopped by this station in the morning and in the evening during the week. It's busy with large trucks, AT&T vans and commuters. It keeps up with the demand, though. It still fills your tank.
21 Feb 2014alanmcgregorStation is up and working. Price is 1.909.
7 Feb 2014alanmcgregorPumps are up and working. Price is $1.909
5 Feb 2014anonymouscard reader and pump working
21 Jan 2014anonymouscard reader not working
20 Jan 2014anonymous1-20-14 card reader NOT working
3 Jan 2014anonymousTalked with Billy 1-3-2014 Reader has been re set and system working perfectly.
28 Dec 2013bennett4719station card reader error,wont dispence gas 12-28-13
16 Oct 2013publwksUPCOMING CNG OUTAGE NOTICE: Fleet Services has been working with a vendor to replace the antiquated and problematic fuel controllers located at the public access CNG dispensing station at 430 Cota St. This project will commence on Wednesday, October 23rd 2013 at 10:00 AM and will end on or about Thursday October 24th at 5:00 PM. It will be necessary to take the system out of service during the transition which will result no access to public CNG fuel during this time. Fleet Service continues to work diligently with the hardware supplier and installer to mitigate the downtime as much as possible. - Fleet Services, 10/16/13, 11:30a - 951.736.2307
9 Jul 2013anonymousAs of 07-09/2013, they indicate that the station is operational and they have had NO down time and have no idea who posted it being down. The last 'station inop' post was fradulent.
8 Jul 2013anonymousPumps appear to be back online , although the receipt printer was down, was able to fill to 4100.
10 Jun 2013publwksNOTICE: Anticipated System Upgrade 6/13/13 System upgrades will require an expected closure of the Corona CNG station on Thursday 6/13/13 beginning at 2:00am through 7:00pm. Possible early completion may result in the station being opened earlier. Please continue to check this page for any updates. Fleet Services – 6/10/13 2:00pm. For additional questions, please contact Fleet Services at 951.736.2307 M-Th from 6:00am-4:30pm.
8 May 2013publwksNOTICE: Repairs have been completed. Corona Public CNG station is operational. Fleet Services – 5/8/13 5:45pm. For additional questions, please contact Fleet Services at 951.736.2307 M-Th from 6:00am-4:30pm.
6 May 2013publwksNOTICE: Anticipated System Upgrade 5/8/13 Due to inclement weather, update postponed to Wed 5/8. System upgrades will require an expected full day closure of the Corona CNG station on Wednesday 5/8/13 beginning at 9:00am through 5:00pm. Possible early completion may result in the station being opened earlier. Please continue to check this page for any updates. Fleet Services – 5/6/13 10:00am. For additional questions, please contact Fleet Services at 951.736.2307 M-Th from 6:00am-4:30pm.
1 May 2013publwksNOTICE: Anticipated System Upgrade 5/6/13 System upgrades will require an expected full day closure of the Corona CNG station on Monday 5/6/13 beginning at 9:00am through 5:00pm. Possible early completion may result in the station being opened earlier. Please continue to check this page for any updates. Fleet Services – 5/1/13 2:30pm. For additional questions, please contact Fleet Services at 951.736.2307 M-Th from 6:00am-4:30pm.
27 Feb 2013publwksNOTICE: CNG Station - Operational Maintenance Repairs were completed on Wednesday, 2/27/13. Both pumps of the CNG station are under normal operation. Thank you for your patience during the repair process. Fleet Services - 2/27/13 1:30pm. For additional questions, please contact Fleet Services at 951.736.2307 M-Th (excluding holidays) from 6:00am-4:30pm.
25 Feb 2013publwksNOTICE: Anticipated Maintenance Repair 2/27/13 Maintenance repairs will require an expected 2-hour closure of the Corona CNG station beginning at 10:00am on Wednesday, 2/27/13. Possible early completion may result in the station being opened earlier. Please continue to check this page for any updates. Fleet Services - 2/25/13 10:53am. For additional questions, please contact Fleet Services at 951.736.2307 M-Th from 6:00am-4:30pm.
25 Jan 2013anonymousPump is fixed. Best fill I have ever gotten here!
24 Jan 2013publwksCity of Corona Public Station is operational as of 1:30pm 1/24/13. Repairs were successful. Call 951.736.2307 M-Th 6:30am-4:30pm if questions.
17 Jan 2013anonymousOne Pump still down, but the leak has been fixed.
17 Jan 2013anonymous1-17-13 @ 5:30 pm both pumps operational again. 3800 psi fill on pump 1.
8 Jan 2013anonymousI got a full 3700 psi fill on 1/5/13. The sign says the pumps have limited fill, but they have corrected the problem. The sign isstill taped to the pump?
1 Jan 2013anonymousstation still has sign up. It only fills a couple cents worth on either side.
28 Dec 2012anonymous12-28-12 station back up. Good fill. Sign said limited and slow capacity on very large fills. Apparently there was an underground leak that shut them down a day or two ago. Web link for status is .
15 Dec 2012h316Filled up 100% on 3600 pump on Fri. 12-14-12.
11 Dec 2012h316Filled up on 3600 pump at 6 pm Monday 12/10.
11 Dec 2012anonymousCalled 12/11/2012 at 0840am and was advised that both pumps were functioning and filling vehicles as we spoke.
11 Dec 2012lenzre12/11/12 @ 8:36pm - Pump #1 is down, pump #2 is fine.
10 Dec 2012mikekobelI filled up there at 9:36pm on 12/9 and it worked fine.
4 Dec 2012anonymousI pumped here at 9:30pm on 12/3/2012 and both pumps work fine. Don't know why it is marked inoperable. Price raised to $1.74 though.
19 Nov 2012anonymousPump one is down but pump 2 works fine.
19 Nov 2012anonymous11-19-12 Fuel up this morning and received 100%.
7 Nov 2012anonymousBoth pumps fully operational as of 11/6/2012 at 4am
5 Nov 2012anonymousFilled on 11-04-2012 Pump on North side taped off, other works perfectly.
2 Nov 2012anonymousPump #1 is out of order. Only able to fill to 2100 psi on pump #2
17 Oct 2012anonymous10/17/12 Pump #1 filled to 3700 psi, pump # error code 6.... whatever that means.... Price 1.62
20 Sep 2012anonymousNO 3000 PSI - AND NO PLANS FOR 3000 PSI
11 Sep 2012anonymousNo 3000 pump.
2 Sep 2012anonymousPump 2 is non operational as of 9/1 at 3am. Pump one was working fine.
29 Aug 2012anonymousStation is operational!! I fueled here on 8/28 at 3 am.
28 Aug 2012anonymousDon't know why this station was marked as not operational. I got fuel here this morning at 3:30. Both pumps were operational.
10 Aug 2012anonymousPump number 2 was down this morning at 3:30am. Pump 1 working fine.
3 Aug 2012anonymousFUeled up here 8/3/2012. Pumps working fine.
19 Jul 2012anonymousBoth pumps are up and working 7-19-12
19 Jul 2012anonymousPump #1 was operational this morning. I used it to fill my vehicle.
16 Jul 2012anonymousPump #1 is out of operation. Pump #2 is working fine.
21 Jun 2012anonymousBoth pumps are now working fine.
18 Jun 2012anonymousPump 1 is down, but pump 2 is working as of 6-18-12 at 7:00 am.
14 Jun 2012lenzre6-14-12 Pump #2 is down. Pump #1 is fine.
8 May 2012unexpectedlyThe lowest price for CNG I've purchased yet. When swiping card, do that 1st before pushing any buttons or you confuse it. Printer worked on 4-28-12, but not after for me. 3800 psi fill on 5-7-12!!
3 May 2012anonymousThere is no trash bin or 3000 psi service. The card reader is touchy and the printer has never worked. The price is OK.
30 Apr 2012anonymousThe cleanest and best maintained station in southern california. Always a new trashbag in the bin, great fuel pressure. 2 pumps, both 3600. Bad for the 3000 psi crowd. I like how they always have notices posted up so you know exactly what's going on. I've been able to plan ahead of time and save me the grief of needing fuel only to find out the pumps are down. Other fueling stations don't post notice of scheduled maintenance like this, not even clean energy.
18 Apr 2012anonymousNO 3000 pump!!!
5 Apr 2012anonymousboth pumps are working fine as of 7:00 am 4-5-12, plus they lowered the price to $1.55!
2 Apr 2012anonymousIt says they have 3000psi but they DO NOT. 3600 only.
29 Feb 2012anonymousboth pumps are working great.
22 Feb 2012anonymousPump #1 was down this morning at 6:15 am.
19 Dec 2011anonymousTried again on 12/18 Sunday and pumps are down
19 Dec 2011anonymousThe pumps were still down as of 6:00 am this morning (12-19-11). I vote for Corona as most un-reliable CNG station of 2011.
19 Dec 2011anonymouspumps are up and running as of 3:30 pm 12- 19-11
18 Dec 2011anonymousis Corona really closed again (12-18-11)? Why is it closed, again?
13 Dec 2011anonymousOpen! :)
12 Dec 2011anonymousThe entire station is closed. There are pylons set up across the entrance to the fueling station. What happened?
12 Dec 2011anonymousI spoke to City of Corona. They blew a capacitor on the main pump. They hope to be up and running this afternoon (12-12- 11).
12 Dec 2011anonymousStation open pumps operational 8:30pm
10 Dec 2011anonymous12-9-11 Pumps down again no gas
22 Nov 2011anonymousHey City of Corona! How about a putting a trash can out for your CNG customers?
7 Nov 2011anonymousPump #1 was down this morning as of 6:45 am
31 Oct 2011anonymousBoth pumps are working as of 6:15 am
27 Oct 2011anonymousPump #1 was down this morning at 6:45 am.
10 Oct 2011anonymousI used the North side pump on 10-10-11 and all was good.
5 Oct 2011anonymousPump on North side card reader will not start pump on 10-4-11 South side works.
5 Oct 2011anonymousboth pumps are working as of 10-5-11
1 Oct 2011anonymousBoth pumps were closed at 10am 09/28
28 Sep 2011anonymousBoth pumps are working as of 9-27-2011 10:00
6 Sep 2011anonymousBoth pumps are working as of 9-6-11 at 5:30 am.
22 Aug 2011anonymousOnly one pump was working today.
18 Aug 2011anonymousThe City of Riverside station still has 3,000 lbs, and is the lowest price around at $1.46 per gallon. Glad to see the Corona station back open after the problems they've had.
15 Aug 2011anonymousCorona's CNG station is now open servicing 3,600lb vehicles.
15 Aug 2011anonymousBoth Pump 1 and 2 are up and running as of 8:00 am, 8-15-11. And the cost, $1.88! Nice new pumps, but only 3600 psi.
15 Aug 2011anonymousThe station is open as of 8/15/2011
2 Aug 2011anonymousOnly in government can you close down for 8 + months, reduce services to the public, and still have a job. How pathetic.
1 Aug 2011anonymousThe pumps are still closed. They are waiting for a couple more parts. I was told probably two (2) more weeks.
1 Aug 2011anonymousSign posted at the Corona station states opening is 8/15/11.
14 Jul 2011anonymousWhy abandon the 3000 psi crowd?
13 Jul 2011anonymousDrop 3000 psi is very bad, because Corona will have not any more stations with 3000Psi
12 Jul 2011anonymousBOOO HISS on the decision to abandon the 3000 PSI crowd. It really leaves us in a bad way,the 3600s can get at least the 3000 if that was the only working pump but by eliminating 3000 you have excluded an entire portion of the CNG faithful
1 Jun 2011anonymousThe station should be fully functional by August 1. To better serve our customer needs, this station will be upgraded to two 3,600 lbs.dispensing units; consequently, we will no longer support 3,000 lb. systems. Corona Fleet Services.
26 May 2011anonymousJust rec'd from the City - service to resume by August 1st. Also, dropping 3000 psi pump, installing two 3600 dispensers.
23 May 2011anonymousI live in Rancho Cucamonga and travel south and east and have access to a limited amount of stations that are out of my way. I am hoping that the station at the Ontario Airport will open soon.
23 May 2011anonymousI live in Rancho Cucamonga and travel south and east and I'm limited to the available stations available. I am hoping the Ontario Airport stations will re-open soon.
9 May 2011anonymousNotice posted at station: City's Public CNG station revised opening date is August 1, 2011.
8 May 2011anonymousI travel about 150-200 miles a day, living in Riverside and going west or south most of the time, I do NOT have any problems finding a working station.
4 May 2011anonymousThx so much for the update. I just bought a 2011 Honda GX. The Corona station is the one I was planning on using. I am struggling to find stations that work. I travel a 100 miles/day and I'm very frustrated with the amt of stations I have access to.
2 May 2011anonymousSpoke to Steve @ Corona Fleet Services today to get an update. He has been having major challenges getting the pump back up; outdated parts and equipment, and money. He has finally got a purchase order from the city and the new equipment was ordered.
2 May 2011anonymousLooking at 11 weeks worse case. This would put the station up around July 8th.
9 Mar 2011anonymousNotice posted at station: City's Public CNG station is down for repairs until approximately June 2011.
7 Mar 2011anonymousJust spoke to the City staff; some pinhead drove off with the nozzle still attached, physically folded the whole pump in half, repairs estimated to run up to $70k, insurance co needs to process paperwork, latest estimate for operation is mid-April.
6 Mar 2011anonymousThis station was not open yesterday (Saturday) March 5, 2010.
20 Jan 2011anonymousTalked to City - ETA is a little more then a month away-hopefully-major damage requiring dispenser replacement. Call in 2 weeks for better idea of timing.
6 Jan 2011anonymousJust called Corona and they reported that someone did some major damage to the station. Open Date Unknown.
23 Dec 2010anonymousThe City is NOT converting the 3000 nozzle to 3600 because the original state grant to build the station (Contract) requires both pressures. 3000 is no more expensive or difficult to maintain compared to 3600.
23 Dec 2010anonymousPlease contact the city Public Works department @ 951-736-2307 and let them know you'd like them to continue the 3000psi service for a few more years. We've all (owners & taxpayers) paid extra for CNG and we need the infrastructure to continue.
16 Dec 2010anonymous3600 side working well the 3000 side is down the City of Corona will be converting the 3000 to a 3600.
15 Dec 2010anonymous12-14-10 this station only has 3,600 PSI for now, they are considering discontinuing the old 3,000 PSI pump.
14 Dec 2010anonymousWhy is this station always down?
11 Dec 2010anonymous3600 side is open. 3000 side closed awaiting a part.
8 Dec 2010anonymousCalled them today and if the part comes in today, it will be open tomorrow... I hope!
7 Dec 2010anonymousStill down on 12-7-10 and looks like nobody cares, nothing being worked on from what I can see.
3 Dec 2010anonymousstill down 12/3/10
28 Nov 2010anonymousstation down 10-26-10 still down 10-28-10
6 Oct 2010anonymousWicked pressure. 100% Great access from freeway.
14 Sep 2010anonymous100% Fill on 9-10-10. Great station
20 Jul 2010anonymous9 PM Card reader reported could not verfiy card on two Visa cards. Another motorist arrived, same result. Will try again in AM. No contact information at station to report issue. Hopefully can make it to closest OC station if no luck. 7/20/10
10 May 2010anonymousunited taxi cabs driver: just letting you know this Station is operational, psi 3000 and 3600.
6 Nov 2009anonymousWell-maintained pumps. Great pressure. Reliable station. VISA/MC. No receipt.
30 Sep 2009anonymousGreat pressure. Reliable station.
18 Sep 2009anonymous9-17-09 pm: station is working (3600) @ 90%. But printer not giving recpt.
29 Jun 2009anonymousLast night the 3000 side was down. Made it to Riverside on fumes.
15 Apr 2009anonymousMy booklet was wrong. Located on Cota S. of Malloy. Receipt printer not working.
7 Mar 2009anonymousStation undergoing maintenance
6 Dec 2008anonymousReceipt printer not working; otherwise everything OK.
3 Dec 2008anonymousno they didn't blow up a make shift van blew up at corona cng fuel stop.
3 Dec 2008anonymousoil gas prices down but corona cng raises the price of cng-why?
3 Dec 2008anonymousDidnt this place blow up??
15 Oct 2008anonymousBoth pumps up and running as of 10/14/08
13 Oct 2008anonymousboth pumps not working tonight.
4 Oct 2008anonymousprice down by one cent to $2.109, both pumps working 1 3000 and 1 3600 visa/mc 24/7
18 Aug 2008anonymous3600 PSI Pump worked great. They also lowered the price.
21 May 2008anonymousBoth pumps working fine
1 Apr 2008anonymousPump # 2 was not working, station does not have video screens, it kept asking for a driver id (i was using a new card)I had to wait for a long time before it would pump due to the fact that it thought it was playing the video.
27 Nov 2007anonymous3000 & 3600 PSI

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