Stations > CNG > California > Van Nuys

Station details for the SoCalGas - Van Nuys Base Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Van Nuys, California

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Station details:

$2.21 per ggeupdated 52 months ago by anonymous

SoCalGas - Van Nuys Base

16645 Saticoy Street Van Nuys, CA 91406


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Van Nuys, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.50 to $3.13 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 6 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 68 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: AmericanExpress Discover MasterCard VISA Voyager WrightExpress
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
10 Jul 2018anonymousPrice just jumped to 2.46, bummer, but still a great deal compared to gas.
9 May 2018wes_man1Price is down to 2.09, great fill! I go out of my way to hit this station.
29 Mar 2018anonymous3700 psi fill on both sides of pump, up and working normal.
25 Jul 2017anonymousGreat fill, great price $2.28. Easy to use nozzle. This will be my regular filling station from now on.
1 Jun 2016anonymousOn June 30, 2016 the 3000PSI nozzle will be removed and replaced with a 3600PSI nozzle. Boo! Hiss! Shame on you!
25 Feb 2015robodudeThis pumping station can use some lighting
17 Jan 2015robodude3000 PSI hose works now, but as Petrol Proces are dropping, I am switching back
19 Nov 2014anonymous3000 PSI pump hose connector does not connect to my 3000 psi cars receptacle, had to drive to the very expensive Canoga Park station to fill er up. Bad when you are low on gas. called SoCal Gas automated 909-294-0721 and 213-244-3720 left messages
4 Jan 2014anonymousI was sad to see this pump raise its price to 245.7 only 17 cents cheaper than clean energy I guess they are following the greed is good modo
25 Feb 2013anonymousNew pump works like regular gasoline pump, just stick over nipple and squeeze handle and it auto locks on. Buttons on pump are still not lighted so bring a flashlight if filling at night. Pump no longer shows percentage full so you won't know when its almost done. Now it shows pressure when filling, 3600 psi side fills at 3900 psi and showed 3759 psi when my tank was full. To release nozzle there is a little relief lever next to the handle, you just push it back and the vapors go out the top of the line above the pump so no smell. Best of all this pump gives you a really full tank. More then even the clean air stations. The dealer even told me the gauge will never go to full, always one mark befow Full, but this pump filled it all the way up so all the fuel bars were lit up on the dash! this pump is the wave of the future, check it out if your in town.
25 Feb 2013anonymous i like the pump but the input pad is not illuminated at all. It is the new style. I have to hold up a piece of white paper to reflect enough light to read what is on the keys.
16 Feb 2013anonymousNew pump! SempraEnergy now, faster, easier and 100% fill. Awesome!
12 Feb 2013anonymous1300 hrs, 12 feb13. Found station under repair. Looked like a one day job. NEEDS A GOOD INSTRUMENT MAN.
7 Feb 2013anonymousSign today @ station says will be closed for upgrade 2/11/13 to 2/14/13.
14 Jan 2013anonymousGas company employee at station told me that new pump is supposed to be installed "next month" (Feb?) to replace current 20-year-old pump. Supposed to be both faster and a better fill. Huzzah if true.
23 Oct 2012California12/13/12 72% no receipt on 3600 side
9 Oct 2012anonymousThe 3000 psi side is working. The 3600 psi side is not in service.
9 Oct 2012anonymousThe 3000 psi side is working. The 3600 psi side is not in service.
3 Oct 2012anonymousthe 3600 psi side of the pump has been down for 1 week only the 3000 side works so everyone is now waiting to use 1 pump so now there is always 3 car line during the day to use it and seldom do you get over 70% fill very hard to depend on this pump they just don't care
28 Sep 2012anonymousOne side is working the other side somebody had posted a sign over the display that says its out of order. Some punk in a ATT van was hogging the good side just sitting in his van doing paperwork with ghetto music blasting. So I tried the side that said it was out of order. It did 3 squirts then stopped. So I did it again and again and again until my tank was full. The receipt each time showed $0.00 so I think I got a free fillup. I went to lancaster then filled up again the same night. Somebody had removed the out of order sign but still the pump goes 3 squirts and stops. I think I got a second free fillup. I love this pump :-) Thanks SoCal Gas, Att you need to hire a higher class of people.
27 Aug 2012anonymousI love this pump, its a quaint area with tall shade trees. I never get hassled here with peddlers or drunks. The pump has both 3000 psi and 3600 psi. The 3000 psi side seems to work the best giving me between 80-92% fill while the 3600 psi side only gets me 65-75% fill. I haven't tried the 3600 psi side in awhile, maybe they fixed it because both sides use to give me 65% fill. It was the last two saturday mornings so I will check on my next fillup. The price has gone up from 2.07 to 2.08 and now 2.10.2 in the last few weeks which probably is due to gasoline prices jumping up. I don't see UNG stock jumping though, in fact it is down.
27 Aug 2012anonymousOnly 3000 psi pump was working morning of 8/27/12. New compressor is still not online. :-(
10 Aug 2012anonymousDown again 8/10/12. Called their service number and SCG said that they are installing a new compressor today, having finally gotten city permits and should be operational 8/11/12.
16 Jun 2012anonymousPoorly maintained station. Local school district fills their busses here which pretty much sucks the station dry. Bottom line: Don't count on more than ~30% fill here.
23 May 2012anonymousthe card reader is very unreliable lately 2 days in a row it hasn't worked
1 May 2012anonymousFilled up at this pump for the first time last night. Only got a 75% fill, but the price is great.
23 Apr 2012anonymousAccording to THE GAS CO. this station is waiting for the govt to grant permits to the new compressor that has been waiting @this location FOR OVER A YEAR ! WRITE YOUR LOCAL assembly, city council, congressman and senators regarding this RIDICULOUS WASTE
10 Apr 2012anonymousOnly got a 65% fill from the 3600 psi pump today, but can't beat the price $1.988
25 Mar 2012anonymousStation working, OK fill.
15 Mar 2012anonymous3-15-12 used pump twice today worked Ok.. 75% fill
28 Dec 2011anonymousPoorly maintained station. Pump often not working and low fill when it is.
1 Dec 2011anonymousOperational on 12/1/11 5pm, but the poor fill.
16 Nov 2011anonymousBad fill on 11/15, got only 4 gallons for my GX (drove in with fuel light on and 1 bar remaining), showed fill at 49%.
15 Nov 2011anonymousbad fill on 11/11 on 3000. 61% on my crown vic. had to hook and and unhook 3 times just to get to 3/4 of a tank. a school bus was in front of me that took forever to boot. not worth the cheap price unless they get this issue fixed
1 Nov 2011anonymousStation was working 11/1/11 $2.192/gge. Only 69% fill as usual on my GX. :-(
22 Sep 2011anonymousNever more than a 62% fill on my GX. Out of paper receipt roll again as they are frequently. Good price though.
27 Aug 2011anonymousMy Grand Marquis got a 58% fill, only! Instrument men are losing sales for SoCalGas.
28 Jul 2011anonymous3000 working fine usually get a 90%fill on my crown vic
14 Jul 2011anonymoussaid I only got up to 66% and no receipts! Sad....only one two sided pump too.
10 Jul 2011anonymousOn 3600. Only got up to 63%
2 Jun 2011anonymousOn 3600. Only got up to 62%.
28 May 2011anonymousIs there any advantage to putting in a home converter like "Phill" to use the natural gas at home? Is it allowed in California? That's the way to go.
7 Apr 2011anonymousFilled only 69% at 3600 PSI today
4 Apr 2011anonymousWorking better than ever. WOW! My first fill at 6.8 gal in my Civic GX. Prior best at this station was 6.0
2 Apr 2011anonymousout of order
13 Dec 2010anonymousstation has been closed the past 2 days.
25 Nov 2010anonymousi wnet there last night due to san fernando stayion being out of service (3000) psi hose missing. i got a good fill there on the 3000psi pump.
5 Oct 2010anonymous3600 PSI only fills 59-66%. How do we get them to fix this?
26 Jul 2010anonymousFIlled 59% at 3600 PSI on 7/25/2010
27 May 2010anonymousTried the 3600 psi pump 5.25.2010 and was disappointed once again. . . 70% at best
3 May 2010anonymousFilled 75% at 3600 psi.
27 Apr 2010anonymousfilled 100% @ 3000psi
17 Feb 2010anonymous2/15/10 3600 pump only gave me 35% fill (3.044 gge) on 2/15/10 at 11:58 am. Repeated efforts were unsuccessful.
17 Feb 2010anonymousPump was reported down on morning of 2/12/10 by someone prior to my arrival. Helpful SCG tech arrived as I was attempting fill and got pump back online at 10:39am.
2 Oct 2009anonymous51% fill on 3600 pump for my 2007 Honda GX. Guy in line behind me told me the best he gets for his pickup truck is 70% at that station.
4 Sep 2009anonymouscompressor fixed and giving about 3200-3300 on 3600 pump. . . great svc! called in morning and fixed by early afternoon ! gas co rocks and so does the price ! take a lesson CE
1 Sep 2009anonymouscouldn't get either pump to work. called emgcy # and had gas co rep call back when fixed. . . MATCH THAT CLNE ! ! ! and 50cents CHEAPER TO BOOT! ! ! !
28 Jun 2009anonymouswouldnt take a working credit card. someone pls confirm that pump works.
19 Mar 2009anonymousFill on 3600 psi pump only gave me 50%.
26 Nov 2008anonymouscould be the worst fill in the SFV, usually only 59% or so.
5 Nov 2008anonymousterrible fill, need to fill up daily
10 Oct 2008anonymousJust read other comments as this explains why I have never been able to get more than 5.4 gal into my 8 gal tank! Just tried pump at UCLA and got a full fill.
3 Oct 2008anonymous10/3/08 pump not working. might be back online early next week
18 Sep 2008anonymousHave never gotten a good fill here...
26 May 2008anonymous3600 psi fill is consistenly WEAK. No better than 3000psi side.

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