Stations > CNG > California > San Juan Capistrano

Station details for the Arco AM/PM Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in San Juan Capistrano, California

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Station details:

$2.99 per ggeupdated 31 months ago by anonymous

Arco AM/PM

28662 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in San Juan Capistrano, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.12 to $5.99 per gge. We have data extending back to September 2009 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 2 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 90 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

23 Mar 2018anonymousThe price has increased to $2.89 on 3/23/18.. Ouch!
11 Mar 2018tsarkoyeThis station was not working on Saturday 03/11. The credit card reader would not go past "Verifying" status. This happened to two patrons.
4 Jan 2016anonymousNeither pump working this morning, Jan 04
12 Aug 2015bigmarkPump #1 not working, Pump #2 1800 psi not able to dispense more than a gallon every 10 minutes.
11 Aug 2015anonymousPump 1 is still not working even though they took off the tape Pump 2 is ok.
30 Jun 2015anonymouspump number one has been down for months...
4 Mar 2015anonymous#2 pump down
25 Nov 2014anonymousStation is finally backup 120%!! They recently put in a brand new compressor which has made the fills amazing. Both hoses are 3600 psi and it is quick now!
30 Jul 2014tnelliganJust left station with a FULL TANK / 3600 + psi now I can get to San Diego and back on one tank. Love the location!
30 Jul 2014anonymousLike the station right off of Interstate 5 and Avery Parkway. Good quick fill better than 3600 psi.
28 Jun 2014anonymousCouldn't find the 3000 psi pump only 3600. Main page lists both??
13 Mar 2014anonymousI filled here the last 3 days and it is very slow and won't give a complete fill on either pump 1 or 2. Very frustrating.
10 Feb 2014wzelhoferopen:24 hours, fill:3600psi, pay:creditcard
9 Oct 2013Jim JLow pressure, only 2000 # fill
5 Jun 2013llcngprice is $1.97 as of 6/5/13. was it ever $1.12?
14 May 2013anonymousHose #2 is yellow taped
19 Dec 2012anonymous3600+ fill on 12/18/12. Filled fast and complete.
12 Oct 2012anonymousThe compressor has been fixed, full fast 3600 psi fills. 10/12/12
25 Sep 2012anonymousNote posted indicated that only one compressor is available. Problematic if multiple vehicles are filling up simultaneously.
2 Sep 2012anonymouscomputer for a code isn't working
28 Aug 2012anonymousNumber 2 hose available only. 3800 psi fill. Number 1 hose is disconnected.
28 Aug 2012imagesetcHose number 1 disconnected. Hose number 2 is work good, 3800 psi fill.
11 Jun 2012anonymousLine 1 not working, Line 2 excellent fill at around 4600psi
2 Jun 2012anonymousFilled 6/2/2012. full 3600 psi+
21 May 2012unexpectedlyBusy station! 5 vehicles filled while I was there. This ARCO isn't in Google Maps. Indicated good fill, but only got 162 miles before warning light; normally is 200.
3 May 2012anonymousBoth pumps operational, but pump pressure is only 2400 psi.
3 Feb 2012anonymousBoth pumps operational.
28 Dec 2011anonymousPump 1 out of commission (no hose). Pump 2 operational.
28 Nov 2011anonymousGas company fixed meter today and back operational
28 Nov 2011anonymousStation down pending City inspection Monday or Tuesday Nov. 28 or 29. Notice on dispenser said that meter was replace due to drunk driver crashing into it.
27 Sep 2011anonymousHose 1 back in operation and pressure back up to 3600+ psi
17 Sep 2011anonymousPump 1 out of commission (no hose) Pump 2 operational, but poor compressor is very slow and puts out around 2600 PSI. Service has supposedly been called.
31 Aug 2011anonymous98% fill rate on pump 1
31 Aug 2011anonymous98% fill rate on pump 1
19 Jul 2011anonymousPump 2 line was leaking. A very helpful ATT serviceman pointed it out and stated he had called about it 2 hours prior.
12 Jul 2011anonymousterrible fill 7/11. pumps putting out 2600-2800 psi and filling VERY slowly
6 Jul 2011anonymousOnly 3/4 fill at less that 3000 PSI
22 Jun 2011anonymousfirst time filling here. I like the pumps, a little different, but pretty easy to use.
4 Jun 2011anonymousNotice lots of school bus filling in the mid morning here. Expect long wait since there are only 2 3600 pumps. I think all of Capistrano School district buses fill here.
27 May 2011anonymousNO 3000. I think that we should make it known that we are still driving and using 3ooo PSI cars and trucks and we need them to reverse this decision.
16 May 2011anonymousLove this location! Love the price! Easy to use once you see video. We need more Go Natural Gas Fueling staions in greater LA area!
6 May 2011anonymousWhat does the previous comment have to do with the price, quality or services offered by this station? Someone didn’t do their homework before purchasing a car… thanks for sharing.
24 Mar 2011anonymousI bought a CNG car specifically because there was this station near my home. Now I can't get fuel here anymore because my car won't accept 3600 psi fitting.
14 Mar 2011anonymousUsed around 11:00am; both pumps working. pumps are a little different so read the posted directions before use. fills a little slower than you may be used to but they work fine.
6 Mar 2011anonymousBoth sides are now 3600 psi. They are experimenting with new nozzles on each side also. They are intuitive to use, but yesterday a Ford Crown Victoria NGV had difficulty removing the one that swivels after fillup.
24 Jan 2011anonymousNotes for 1st time users: there are 2 control podiums, use the one on the left. These pumps common in NorCal are unusual in SoCal. There is a silver "Dispenser Switch" on the pump (below the gage) that must be "off" before swiping your CC, or no flow
4 Nov 2010anonymous11/4/2010 3:10 PM the LED on the Credit panel was unreadable due to the heat and direct sunshine.
7 Oct 2010anonymousThis is not an Arco but a GNG Go Natural Gas Fueling pump at an Arco Station
22 Sep 2010anonymousThe 3600 dispenser os back on line
20 Sep 2010anonymous2010-09-19 3600 pump still out of commission.
20 Sep 2010anonymousThis station is now an Arco AM/PM and is no longer a Shell station.
15 Sep 2010anonymous3600 PSI pump out of commission as of 6:30 pm
9 Sep 2010anonymousThe station was down at 5:50am on 9/9/10
2 Sep 2010anonymousFill is great in the morning. Sometimes have to battle with school buses for pumps around 9a.m. Apparently the school district bought CNG buses (3600 PSI) but did not install a station for their buses.
9 Jul 2010anonymousLately afternoon fills have been in the 2000 PSI range. They indicated their compressor can't keep up with the demand.
7 Jul 2010anonymous3600psi now back in operation
5 Jul 2010anonymousStation open and changed to ARCO. The 3600psi filling nozzle attachment handle is broken off as of today. You will not be able to attach nozzle to your car. I reported this to the Arco mini mart attendant at 5:30am. The 3000psi side is working.
2 Jul 2010anonymousThis pump always provides a good fill. I use both the 3000PSI and the 3600PSI sides for 2 different vehicles. RIGHT NEXT TO FREEWAY!!!
1 Jul 2010anonymousnew black top, all pumps including cng taped off, hope CNG back by morning.
24 Jun 2010anonymousThis Shell station is changing to an ARCO brand and will be shut down for one week July 1st. They report that will still be selling CNG after the changeover.
22 Jun 2010anonymousCNG was $1.920/GGE Monday morning 6/21/10. The mini-market is closed & under construction, but is pump working. Got 3900psi. Porta potties on site. Station is adjacent to Southbound off ramp of I-5 to Avery; on West side of I-5, North side of Avery.
31 May 2010anonymousGoogle maps link from Mobile version of led me WAY too far south, can't wait to try it now that I know better where it is.
16 May 2010anonymousI used this station for the first time in April of this year. Great access from freeway and great/quick fill.
13 Apr 2010anonymousCaitlin Richmond of Go Natural Gas indicates the pump is now open.
12 Apr 2010anonymousEarly this morning pump was taped off and out of order.
12 Feb 2010anonymouson 2/10 the both sides appeared to be in working order.
5 Feb 2010anonymous3000 psi nozzle inoperative. 3600 psi side appears to be working.
29 Dec 2009anonymous3600 psi line had a leak in it today. They closed it off and called it in. 3000 psi side still operational.
21 Dec 2009anonymousI wouldn't expect full fill from this station for the short term. They are 40 cents cheaper than all others nearby so it gets all of the business.
19 Nov 2009anonymouslow pressure. Compressors must be small. I wouldn't rely on this one.
17 Nov 2009anonymousStation back up and running
17 Nov 2009anonymousvery low pressure nov 17, i only got 2 gallons and not a full refill
6 Nov 2009anonymousBoth hoses operating as of 11/04. Hey people, turn the switch back to Off when you are done. I had to run card twice once I realized that someone for got to switch to "Off." I LOVE THIS STATION!
2 Nov 2009anonymous$1.43 a gallon WOW!!!!! Training code is the same as the other stations. The On off switch is on the side it is not what we are used to. For $1.43 I will gladly be re-trained. Great Fill and so nice to have a mini mart.
25 Oct 2009anonymousHose #1 (3000 psi) down but Hose #2 (3600 psi) operating ok.
25 Oct 2009anonymousWhere is keypad located? Does it take Amex/Visa? Mini mart employee said I needed GNG card and training pin# so he can run it on his machine/register.
19 Oct 2009anonymousGood fill. Great price. I am used to CE systems, and this is a little quirky. Had to switch to "ON" on the side of the pump to get the flow, but looks like a good station.
18 Oct 2009anonymousAfter pressing "R" Enter then select the "Pump #" Enter (1 or 2) and receipt comes out of the top above key pad.
17 Oct 2009anonymousI thought screen said press "R" for receipt. I did but none came. Couldn't even find place from where receipt would come. Mini mart employees clueless. But, what a great price $1.434! Wow.
10 Oct 2009anonymousFinally, getting gas at a ..... gas station. What genius. Restrooms, minimart, trash cans, window washing, air, water, a safe environment, and next to the freeway. Why doesn't anyone else do this in SoCal?
8 Oct 2009anonymousgot a great fill! great station :)
6 Oct 2009anonymousThey are now open =)
6 Oct 2009anonymousJust called - They said they were up and operational
2 Oct 2009anonymousJust called - said fire department test today, government test Monday, so should be open Tuesday.
29 Sep 2009anonymousPayment: Major credit cards, 24 hours
20 Sep 2009anonymousWas told by the attendant today that the pump will be operational "at the end of next week." Made it to Carlsbad on fumes.
18 Sep 2009anonymousHose has been installed, but still not operational.
15 Sep 2009anonymousStill not up. Man says one more week.
7 Sep 2009anonymous9-6-09 Not working yet. Hose not connected, counter guy at Shell station said maybe within a week.
4 Sep 2009anonymous3600 and 3000 psi

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