Stations > CNG > California > Tulare

Station details for the City of Tulare - FleetStar Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Tulare, California

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Station details:

$2.79 per ggeupdated 87 months ago by anonymous

City of Tulare - FleetStar

3989 South K Street Tulare, CA 93274

800-723-9398 800-685-2376

  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Tulare, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.50 to $3.09 per gge. We have data extending back to March 2008 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 1 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 27 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: Cash Discover MasterCard VISA WrightExpress
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
15 Dec 2013taikenPumps are the nicest I have seen. 3600 hose used was very stiff, but with some effort, was able to attach it. Station is large, not manned and has no other services.
28 Jun 2013freedmlwhat's with the black nozzle on dispenser 3?
29 Sep 2012anonymousThe signs for 3000/3600 are a bit high. Make sure you look up. Station was well lit but I realized that I was using the 3000 psi pump a bit late. Easy access from the 99, especially going South.
25 Jul 2012anonymousCity of Tulare was thinking about doing venture with Clean Energy. This may be the reason for the price spike.
1 Jun 2012anonymousThis was one of my favorite filling spots, however I won’t be returning due to the significant price increase.
1 Jun 2012anonymousThis was one of my favorite filling spots, however I won’t be returning due to the significant price increase.
21 May 2012anonymousThe Tulare station has reopened as a Clean Energy station. Consumer credit cards are accepted along with the Clean Energy fleet card. LNG for trucking is available only with the Clean Energy card.
7 May 2012anonymousStation closure for upgrade has been extended to Tuesday May 15, 2012.
19 Apr 2012anonymousStation is being upgraded and will be closed April 24-May 8, 2012. Alternate fueling location in Visalia.
15 Jan 2012anonymousBridge is supposed to reopen Jan 17. Until then, get off I-5 North at Paige. Go West on page. Left on K Street. CNG station on right. 3989 K Street.
13 Dec 2011anonymousGreat fill. Bridge is closed so access from Northbound takes extra effort
19 Oct 2011anonymousBe aware that as of 10/15/11, the bridge over 99 was closed and I couldn't get to the station; would have had to go several miles further north on 99.
30 Sep 2011anonymousBest fill and cheapest price in 7 years of driving CNG cars. Took Credit Cards.
2 Sep 2011anonymousUsed Hose #1 (3000 psi) on 08-10-2011 on the way home to Vacaville from Denver since the busses were lined up to refuel using Hose #2 (3600 psi), along with a truck. Used business debit card and got a receipt. Next stop Merced. - Ed H.
31 Aug 2011anonymousUsed Hose #2 (3600 psi) on 07-28-2011 on the way to Denver in our 2004 Honda Civic GX. Used business debit card and got a receipt.
31 Jul 2011anonymousWorked great. No bathroom.
20 May 2011anonymousSpoke with Mark to confirm operating status is good. Station may be unavailable at times when LNG is being loaded call 559-684-4330 City Operations M-F or in emergency 559-799-6666. CNG here is nearly pure methane from LNG.
5 Apr 2011anonymousActually a little down the road from the pin. It is at,-119.336479&spn=0.004027,0.008959&t=h&z=17
20 Feb 2011anonymousSign on the pump said $1.82 gge but my receipt said $1.79 gge.
29 Mar 2010anonymousrunning on fumes saw the cng sign on freeway made it and both pumps not working. slept in truck until 6 am. at 6am all city buses were lined up behind me i knew it was just a matter of time till someone fixed it. filled up at 6 am headed to LA
22 Apr 2009anonymousStopped by on our way to Las Vegas on 04-12-2009 and on the return trip home on 04-19-2009. The 3600 psi hose worked fine both times. If you press "R" at the card reader after you refuel you can retrieve your receipt right above the display. - Ed H
12 Feb 2009anonymous3600 psi did not work on 2/11/09 but the 3000 pump gave a great fill.
18 Nov 2008anonymousGood lighting. The fuel dispenser is little different. Nice price drop to $1.60
29 Jun 2008anonymousCNG signs lead you from 99 to So. K Street but there is no CNG sign near the station.

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