Stations > CNG > California > Costa Mesa

Station details for the Clean Energy Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Costa Mesa, California

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Station details:

$3.05 per ggeupdated 72 months ago by Whatdaheck

Clean Energy

592 Superior Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92627

  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Costa Mesa, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.99 to $3.21 per gge. We have data extending back to April 2010 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

User comments

CNG has collected 17 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

26 Jan 2019WhatdaheckGood fill. Always the most expensive station in the area.
25 Feb 2015anonymousgreat access; great fill
18 Feb 2013anonymousdrove by at 6am and both pumps had signs taped saying "out of order"
18 Feb 2013anonymousdrove by at 6am and both pumps had signs taped saying "out of order"
15 Oct 2012anonymousUsually a 3600 fill. Low fill on 10-10-2012.
27 Aug 2012anonymousI filled up here once, it was not easy to find off the main street. One pump was down, the one I used gave me 94% fill. A taxi pulled in quickly while I was filling up, I guess they use this station and zoom in and out in a hurry. There were paper towels here but no window wash water or squeege. The pumps play video really loud even when nobody is at the pumps. The price was good. I reccommend filling here if you can find it.
11 Jul 2012anonymousAnother low fill. Dont excpect 3600 here.
29 Mar 2012anonymousOn 24Mar12, 86% fill on 3600psi pump. Pump price reads 2.44, but it appears to have charged me 2.56. No printed receipt available.
25 Jan 2012anonymousBoth pumps not working. 1/22/12
29 Sep 2011anonymousreally? 3.21 a gallon #@$*&^%$#@!
2 Sep 2011anonymousNo 3000 psi pumps here.
6 Jul 2011anonymouspumps are working again
5 Jul 2011anonymousThe station is down right now. 7.5.11 3.23pm
28 Nov 2010anonymousGreat pump, conveniently located. Only issue is you only get 86% !
25 Jul 2010anonymousThe actual address if the station is: 1592 Superior Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663 but use 109 Industrial Way, Costa Mesa CA 92627 to locate it with your GPS
16 Jul 2010anonymousEnter from Industrial Way (16th Street turns into Industrial Way east of Superior Ave.).
20 Apr 2010anonymousNewport Beach Corp Yard SE corner of Superior and 16th St 3600 PSI only, 2 hoses

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