Stations > CNG > California > Palmdale

Station details for the Robertsons Palmdale Honda Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Palmdale, California

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Station details:

$2.40 per ggeupdated 72 months ago by anonymous

Robertsons Palmdale Honda

455 Auto Vista Drive Palmdale, CA 93551


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

This station was marked non-operational by anonymous on 2018-11-08.
Report this station as operational again.


The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Palmdale, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.74 to $2.60 per gge. We have data extending back to May 2008 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 7 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 37 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: Cash Checks Discover MasterCard VISA Voyager
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 7am-7pm M-F, 7am-6pm Sat
28 Jun 2018anonymousstation has been up and running and very reliable since beginning of 2018
29 Mar 2018anonymousStation has been shutdown now for over a year.
18 Oct 2016anonymousJeff is now in charge of the station. Called several times to get a hold of him to let him know there is problems with this unit. The staff at Robertson Palmdale Honda is unhelpful. The 3600 PSI side only puts out 3300 PSI. Jeff said they, the people hired to maintain the pump, fixed the problem. Still only puts out 3300 PSI. Left a note for Jeff to look into the problem. Also the receipt printer doesn't work as of yesterday.
26 Dec 2015anonymousAfter a long awaited upgrade (repair) to this station, it is up and delivering great fills. Storage increased by 400% and twin Bauer compressors now make the station very reliable with redundancy.
24 Feb 2013Lilbeaver35Talked with Service Dept and see no future repairs to get back on line. SCGAS to open new location in Lancaster in June of 2013. Antelope Valley School District CNG is 3000 PSI only even though has a 3600 PSI pump.
22 Feb 2013anonymousTurns out the compressor went bad and they don't want to spend $40,000 to repair ! ! !
13 Feb 2013anonymousThis has been down for nearly two months. My guess is that they probably got tired of all the ATT trucks using all their capacity and didn't want to put the money into upgrading to service ATT, as their concept was to provide fuel for their customers. At this point, I'm doubting that they will put it back on line.
10 Jan 2013anonymousIt is very true that its a marketing tool for Honda. Whenever it is working it hardly gives you 2000 psi and it never has enough cng to fill your tank. The one in Lancaster is much better use that one.
24 Dec 2012anonymousThis station is the worst cng facility that I have ever used. It is obviously just a marketing tool for the Honda dealer. It is non-operational very often, and when it is working the pressure is very low.
23 Nov 2012anonymousI was in the area shopping in Paqlmdale, so I thought I would top off my tank. It only had 2000 psi, so instead of the 3 gge that I needed, I only got one. Why do keep giving this station another chance? Something close to 3600 should be required to "claim" that your pump is a 3600 pump. (3300, 3400...)
22 Oct 2012anonymousYesterday I got a great fill on the 3600 pump, but today not so much. It didn't fill my whole tank. I wish this station wasn't so spotty with its fills.
16 Sep 2012Curtis240 gge storage added, for a total of 350gge on 8/31. Working on adding bigger compressor to keep it filled. Will keep you posted.
17 Aug 2012anonymousMy Facebook had a message that it will be down for about a week to add the larger storage capacity. Should be back up between 8/22 and 8/24.
22 Jul 2012anonymousI filled up last Sunday (7/15). Got 80% on 3600psi side. I returned on same day to refill, but noted that pump stops working after Honda dealership closes.
29 Jun 2012anonymous6/29/2012 Pump is temporarily down, has been for a couple of days at least.
23 May 2012anonymousStation works! filled up this Sunday (5/20/12). 3600 pump works, just make sure the on/off toggle is turned to ON. This confused me, as it's not a common thing one needs to worry about at CNG pumps!
10 Apr 2012anonymousUPDATE: Construction slightly delay due to permittinged, but should be starting (and ending) in April. Just waiting on the city to issue permits.
12 Jan 2012anonymousI'm adding 240 gge additional storage by the end of February. Curtis
1 Dec 2011anonymousOnly got 2,000 PSI & got 1/2 tank fill
23 Oct 2011anonymousFilled up twice in the last week & never went over 2000 psi
14 Mar 2011anonymousReally good fills. The majority of the time over 3600psi. AT&T fleet fills late in the day and sometimes it drops a little below 3600 if you time it wrong.
28 Feb 2011anonymousThis station is currently up. While the 3600 PSI fill is a bit on the low side, They are working to get the maximum up to around 4300 PSI to ensure a complete fill @ 3600 PSI
20 Jan 2011anonymousThis poor station has been besieged by a fleet of 25 gallon at&t trucks. Honda is doing their best to keep the equipment up and is trying to invest more capital for equipment they will never have pay for itself just to give us good fills. Thx Curtis!
30 Jul 2010anonymousI fuel there almost every day and never have a problem unless some moron does a drive off and breaks a hose. The 3600 hose has had such an incident and is temp off line.
28 Jul 2010anonymousI stopped by about noon today because I was in Palmdale and thought I would give this pump one more chance. This is the 6th and final time that this pump has NOT functioned. I give up and will not waste my time anymore trying to buy fuel there.
6 Jul 2010anonymousThe 3600 psi nozzle wouldn't even begin to lock on to the spout on the car. Had to use the 3000 psi pump.
27 Apr 2010anonymousVoyager card now accepted.
27 Apr 2010anonymous3600 psi side back up. It was down due to someone driving off with nozzle attached. They now have cameras on the dispenser area.
17 Feb 2010anonymousThe 3600 psi pump is down, but the 3000 psi is working. Recently had problems with compressor being off, but was assured that wouldn't happen again. So far, so good.
5 Jan 2010anonymousI've stopped by three times and all three times their compressor was off. (Twice when they were open, once when they were closed.) You may only get about 1.5 gge depending on how full your tank is. Max pressure=2800psi.
3 Apr 2009anonymousStation set to open 1st half of April, 09. Station will be 24hr access.
27 Mar 2009anonymousStation will reopen 4-1-09 with 24 hr access and duel 3000/3600 psi capability.
6 Apr 2008anonymousNew dispencer will be 3000/3600 psi. We will give emergency fuel when possible.
8 Jan 2008anonymousStation undergoing upgrade. When it reopens it will be 24 hr access and have card reader accepting Visa, M/C, Discovery. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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