Stations > CNG > California > Ontario

Station details for the City of Ontario City Yard Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Ontario, California

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Station details:

$1.96 per ggeupdated 56 months ago by anonymous

City of Ontario City Yard

1440 S Cucamonga Street Ontario, CA 91761


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Ontario, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.70 to $2.59 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 1 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 66 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: MasterCard VISA
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
16 Mar 2016anonymousAll pumps are down as of 4:25pm on 16 March 16
13 Aug 2014TorisimoFueled up late Sunday night about 10pm - very well lit
13 Aug 2014anonymousGot plenty of fuel here on Sunday night about 10pm-very well lit-
17 Jul 2014bigmarkGot a very good fill today, not the nicest station but have always been able to fill up here.
22 Jun 2014bigmarkAll pumps working, the only reason the Taxi drivers fill here is because its so much cheaper than at the East Airport/Rental car yard station. You never get more than a 70% fill here though, the new one already constructed on Vineyard just above the Airport should be operating soon.
19 May 2014anonymousPump #4 not working according to taxi driver. #3 works and I got a decent fill from #6 3000 PSI pump. This station does not require a code $2.17 gallon
14 Jan 2014tsarkoyeOn 01/09/14, the station went down due to software issues. On 01/10/14, the motherboard to the credit card reader was replaced. I was at the station today and the credit card reader approves right away (different than the 3-5 minutes it was prior to the replacement). Also, the PSI on the 3000 pump (Pump 5) was 3550 PSI, the highest it's been for me after dozens of usage.
28 Aug 2013boltzzman3600 pumps working fine. Price is NOT $1.70 as listed here. Price is $2.17. Sometimes this station has low pressure, but working fine now.
23 Aug 2013anonymousworked well when I was there last week. credit card machine is slow but works if you are patient.
30 Apr 2013anonymousSystem has been upgraded and pressure is at 3600psi so you can get a full fill now.
27 Feb 2013Ricardowe refuled last week some times it has low pressure but it is still accessible
23 Oct 2012anonymousfilled up on 10-22-12 light was on and only #5 pump was working very low pressure.
20 Aug 2012anonymousNone of the pumps working today.
6 Aug 2012anonymousStation operational, but fill is around 2700psi on the 3600psi pump.
23 Jun 2012anonymousSunday Evening 6:00pm all power off. Pumps non-operational.
12 May 2012anonymous5/12/12 Station is operational.
3 May 2012anonymous3600 are pumping only 3000 as of 5/2/2012
26 Apr 2012anonymousTried to fuel 4/23 6am, low pressure/CNG 1000PSI. Cab driver advised to go in the morning, it usually gets low by afternoon.
29 Mar 2012anonymousTwo pumps are down. Hoses are missing. Poor pressure.
20 Jan 2012anonymousAny the pumps are operational again? On Sunday Jan 15 the pumps were shut off and the card reader not operational.
3 Nov 2011anonymousWe are currently working with a Consultant getting info and cost to upgrade the system to a 3600 psi with increased storage to insure 3600psi fills at the pumps/dispensers. The goal is to upgrade to (3) 3600psi nozzles and keep (1) 3000psi nozzle.
25 Oct 2011anonymousTwo new pumps installed. Got 3000 fill.
2 Oct 2011anonymousThis is the worst place in So Cal. No presure 2,600 PSI if you are lucky.
12 Jul 2011anonymousawful pressure and subpar fills 7/11 and today. some of the worst pumps in socal
12 Jul 2011anonymous3000 PSI pumps working. What a dump! Trash all over the place, graffitti, and no instructions on how to operate pumps. Glad i don't live in Ontario. Very poor reflection of city government at work.
6 Jun 2011anonymousAny problems with this pump can be reported to (909) 395-2640 Also I spoke to a rep. she said the 2 pumps that were removed are being fixed and should be brought out soon.
3 May 2011anonymous1 pump has been removed, not sure if it will be replaced, =(
24 Apr 2011anonymous+ Well lit and well signposted from freeway. - Old pumps that don't work well at all. Was only able to put 4 gallons in tank!!
7 Apr 2011anonymousStation has heavy wear on pumps and nozzles, a bit out dated, seams like pumps are from the 70's. Gives less than 3000psi. Hello Ontario, fix your pumps!
4 Apr 2011anonymousstation is operational
1 Apr 2011anonymousJust realize the price has changed from $1.72 to $2.17 today.
13 Jan 2011anonymousAweful pressure...only giving me 150 miles per fill-up versus 200 miles
10 Nov 2010anonymousConsistently bad fills on weekends. Apparently the city is filling dump trucks and depleting the pressure.
20 Sep 2010anonymousHalf the pumps don't work. Pump 6 is overcharging, inaccurate GGE meter. Less than 3000 psi most of the time on 3600 psi pumps.
7 Sep 2010anonymousOnly two pumps working. Could only get 50% fill.
23 Aug 2010anonymousAll Pumps are down today.
1 Mar 2010anonymousThis location needs maintenance. Pump number 6 has loose connector. Had a gas leak and had to turn off immediately and switched to another pump.
8 Feb 2010anonymousGood pricing but don't ever get a full fill.
9 Nov 2009anonymousAll pumps were down (no pressure) yesterday (Sunday) around 1:00pm.
4 Nov 2009anonymousOn Sunday November 1 the card reader was malfunctioning, rendering all four pumps inoperative.
27 Oct 2009anonymousOnly 1 of 4 pumps was working on 10/21. The pumps need some maintenance.
20 Oct 2009anonymousThese pumps only give me 50% fill, and are consistently poorly maintained. I turned the switch to "on" and it came apart.
23 Aug 2009anonymousPumps Operational 2200psi m-f during normal work hours. 3000psi any other time.
9 Jun 2009anonymousNo longer posted that the pumps would be down on 6/10/09
8 Jun 2009anonymouspumps will be down for repairs on 6/10/09
21 May 2009anonymous2000 psi yesterday @ 3:30 P.M. bummer
3 Mar 2009anonymousIt worked fine the morning of 3/3/09
4 Feb 2009anonymousWas there Jan 22. Only had about 2000psi.
3 Jan 2009anonymousonly pump #1 was working today,#2 has no hose. looks like someone drove away with it.
19 Dec 2008anonymousCredit card reader is not working well. Insert card slowly stop for at least two seconds before pulling straight back. Took 7 attempts and three different cards before it worked this morning.
19 Dec 2008anonymousPump 3 gave a very poor fill on 12/18 but pump 5 gave the best fill ever on 12/19.
2 Dec 2008anonymousDid not get a full fill on pump #3 Pump 5 still appears to be the best.
21 Nov 2008anonymousSign saying there is a compressor problem and you may not get a full fill. 2800 PSI today.
16 Oct 2008anonymousFilled today and best pump was #6 and it was still uner 3000 psi. I went at about 1100 hours, worked well otherwise. City of West Covina is considering opening their pumps (sunset and I-10 fwy), not even a mile off the fwy. Waiting to hear from city.
24 Aug 2008anonymousFilled up today at 6pm, ok to fill on Sunday evenings since workers are off.
23 Aug 2008anonymousWent 2 days ago aroung 9pm, pumps were not working, found out by evening pumps are out of gas...don't go at night, go in morning.
21 Aug 2008anonymousBest price in So. Cal. Pumps avg. 3000 early in the day. Don't go in the afternoon. You may get above 3000 psi sometimes. Takes Mastercard/Visa. For this price I can tolerate a lower psi. Just make an extra stop per week.
9 Aug 2008anonymous3000 psi only, first pump broke, second pump gave me only 1 gallon. What a shame, best price in town and its a hit and miss.
1 Jul 2008anonymousFilled up 3000 PSI, 4 working pumps. Accepts Visa, Mastercard, and City of Ontario cards.
8 Jun 2008anonymousFills best in the morning, and daytime, before the garbage trucks and busses get bak to the slow-fill stalls. Got 3250# a couple days ago.
28 Apr 2008anonymousOnly gave me 2 gallons today, seems to be hit & miss here
24 Feb 2008anonymousI filled up today using MasterCard. 3000psi, worked fine
13 Dec 2007anonymousCity would not accept credit cards. you must have an account with the city. Please double check this info.

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