Stations > CNG > California > San Pedro

Station details for the SoCalGas - San Pedro Base Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in San Pedro, California

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Station details:

$2.24 per ggeupdated 36 months ago by captsam0

SoCalGas - San Pedro Base

755 W Capitol Drive San Pedro, CA 90731


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in San Pedro, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.59 to $3.30 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 4 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 48 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: AmericanExpress Discover MasterCard VISA Voyager WrightExpress
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
26 Feb 2021anonymousAwesome station - my go to.. it always works and the fills are always 3600psi+. Whoever maintains this station is always on it! Price is $1.61 as of 2/26/2021
25 Apr 2018anonymousFor the last 2 months I have been getting 100% fill on this pump. It finally has been working consistently well and a good price. I avoided it even though I live a mile away from it but now its good to go.
3 Aug 2017anonymousThis station got an upgrade pump in July. I was excited because the old pump gave between 60- 80 %. I went one morning to fill and .... same disappointing result. SoCalGas should upgrade the whole system. I still won't use it.
30 Oct 2016anonymousI live in San Pedro, have never gotten a full fill. 80% is about average. Prefer Carson for convenience, usually better pressure, less concerns over gas quality.
11 Aug 2015anonymousWarning: I use this station regularly, Sunday morning my Honda Civic GX would not start. Had it towed to dealer. Cause of malfunction: EXCESSIVE WATER IN FUEL TANK & EXCESSIVE OIL IN FUEL TANK!!! I was warned by certified CNG mechanic that the station I am fueling up at is most likely poorly maintained. Excessive water means gas drying system not working properly. Excessive oil means station's compressor is leaking lubricating oil into fuel supply. Result: Contaminated fuel line, rusty spark plugs, $785 in repairs.
15 Oct 2014dcdudeFilled up a Civic quickly on 10-8-14. Another customer commented that the station has been reliable.
18 Jun 2014f355alUpdate: same tech says they're still waiting for parts, station will be down at least 2 more weeks (early July).
11 Jun 2014f355alSoCal Gas tech stated compressor failed, now awaiting repair parts, should be operational on or about June 18, 2014. It still won't have the full pressure of 3600 PSI, but that will come with a new pump is installed sometime in 2015.
11 Oct 2013anonymousfilled here last week, got about 3300 on the 3600 pump on a quiet saturday afternoon.
13 Jun 2013anonymoustoo expensive. poor fill.
6 Apr 2013anonymousstation working properly again
4 Apr 2013anonymousStation working properly again.
25 Mar 2013GreenteaVery low pressure. Only 20% fill. Neither side working well. Spoke with maintenance and they knew there was issue and coming out today.
4 Mar 2013Greenteastation is back up and running
1 Mar 2013anonymoustried twice to fill using both 3600 and 3000 and no gas would pump. Called it in and they were sending a tech.
26 Feb 2013anonymousno receipts printing on 3600 side for last week
22 Feb 2013anonymousgreat fill this morning of 3600 side
18 Feb 2013anonymous3000psi side give as good a fill as 3600 psi side
18 Feb 2013anonymous3000psi side give as good a fill as 3600 psi side
23 Dec 2012f355alSan Pedro (and some other stations along I-5) have been marked as non-operational. I can't confirm those others, but San Pedro is fully functional, was there twice yesterday. Ony noteworthy problem is that the 3600 PSI pump will not give more than a 75% fill, depending on ambient temperature. Al.
2 Nov 2012fd9804@a.vztc.comBOTH PUMPS ARE 3000. THEY ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.
25 Oct 2012anonymousbetter fill on 3000psi side. Filled three days in a row, first two on 3600 pump but best fill came today on 3000 psi side.
25 Oct 2012anonymouslow fill on 3600 side this morning.
25 Oct 2012anonymousbetter fill on 3000psi side. Filled three days in a row, first two on 3600 pump but best fill came today on 3000 psi side.
25 Oct 2012anonymouslow fill on 3600 side this morning.
24 Oct 2012anonymousbetter fill on 3000psi side. Filled three days in a row, first two on 3600 pump but best fill came today on 3000 psi side.
15 Oct 2012anonymousConsistent low fill everyday of the week.
6 Oct 2012fd9804@a.vztc.comEven though one is listed as 3600, both of these pumps are only 3000 psi. Do not expect a full fill here.
4 Oct 2012anonymouslow fill
17 Sep 2012anonymousLow fill every time with 3600 pump. 3000 psi pump actually delivers better fill.
29 Aug 2012l266630@rtrtr.com3600 pump works but it didn't give me a full fill. Still worth it and best price near harbor.
24 Aug 2012l266630@rtrtr.comwas told by technician that station was fully operational. I did not fill up however.
20 Aug 2012anonymousCard reader down again, all pumps; reported to SoCal Gas 8/20/12.
13 Aug 2012anonymousUpdate: death in a tech's family prevented repairs, will be repaired tomorrow, 8/14/2012.
12 Aug 2012anonymousStation wll be down until Monday, 8/13/12 due to a failed computer, according to their technician.
22 May 2012anonymousThe credit card reader did not work today. I could not fill up. 5-22-2012
22 Mar 2012anonymousLove this place! Cheapest gas around and pump always works when I go here. People need to realize you can't get a full fill on these pumps. Fills so fast the gasses expand so much you''ll never get a full fill.
21 Mar 2012anonymouslow fill today and last week.
23 Feb 2012anonymousI filled up here yesterday and got a 65% fill. Badly in need of an upgraded compresser/pump.
14 Jul 2011anonymous3000PSI not working, only 3600PSI working.
30 Sep 2010anonymousOnly got 77% full.
22 Aug 2010anonymousPump states 3600 psi, I got between 3100 & 3200 psi yesterday @ $2.203/gge
18 Jul 2010anonymousIts still just a 3000 psi station, I only use this station if I'm in a pinch.
2 Aug 2009anonymousI filled up here again... today, not even 82% fill... only 75% fill (i.e., only 2,700 psi)
26 Nov 2008anonymousWhile the station lists itself as 3600 psi, I've never gotten more than 82% fill (in other words, it's only a 3000 psi compressor).

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