Stations > CNG > Utah > St. George

Station details for the Questar Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in St. George, Utah

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Station details:

$1.70 per ggeupdated 57 months ago by anonymous


334 E Riverside Dr. St. George, UT 84790


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in St. George, Utah. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.25 to $1.85 per gge. We have data extending back to July 2010 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 4 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 14 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

12 Mar 2015anonymousFilled the motorhome here with CNG on 12/31/14 - no issues and good fill.
8 Jul 2014RichI fill there regularly. All 4 pumps operational and have been all this year . Current price $1.77
21 Dec 2013anonymousThis is a multi storage tank site. I use it several times per month. It has always worked for me. 3600 quickly. almost always several vehicles there.
30 Nov 2013anonymousOne of the pumps is not working, but I got a decent fill on the other one.
24 Jan 2013cngtundraPrinter has been down a week for receipts.
26 Dec 2012anonymousGot an error E 6 on both pumps. Not sure why. Looks like someone else has had the same problem. Only got a partial fill. Ended up driving to hurricane. Got a good fill there.
26 Sep 2012anonymous2012-09-21 Filled fine on 3600
16 Feb 2012anonymous2012-02-16, every 2 or 3 fills,results in a early shut down of the pump. code E-6 WHY can't I get a full tank? Jerry Day
3 Feb 2012anonymousWe got at least 90% fill last three times this week. Fast fill, preasure is great. Used Discover Card.
27 Nov 2011anonymous27,Nov,2011 Please call me @ 435 674-9325 Jerry Day My car Keeps triping your pumps off-line with a code E-6. I took my car to the dealer, no problems. I need to solve the problem, or buy gas elsewhere.
11 Jul 2011anonymousGreat filling station. Usually get about 3600 psi. Used Visa.
26 Apr 2011anonymousApparently the card reader will only authorize your card once per a day, so be sure you turn on the correct pump or have more than one c-card with you. I had to leave and go to another station to get fuel.
26 Jul 2010anonymousFantastic fill! Over 4000 PSI!
22 Jul 2010anonymousUtah Clean Cities will be hosting a grand opening in August. Discussion about the station here:

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