Stations > CNG > California > Bakersfield

Station details for the Kern County Schools Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Bakersfield, California

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Station details:

$2.53 per ggeupdated 36 months ago by anonymous

Kern County Schools

705 S Union Ave Bakersfield, CA 93307


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Bakersfield, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.00 to $3.03 per gge. We have data extending back to May 2008 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 3 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 30 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

13 May 2008anonymousPayment: All forms (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) and WrightEnergy
13 May 2008anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
10 Aug 2019anonymousThis is a great filling station with the exception that I could not get most of my credit cards to work here today. I was only successful using a Visa debit card. The instructions say to insert the card with the magnetic strip downward and facing to the right. My debit card worked when the magnetic stripe faced upwards and to the right. All my other Visa and MasterCards for some reason did not work. Other than that issue which I spent about 15 minutes trying to resolve, the station is well located and the CNG is very fairly priced.
29 Aug 2018anonymousUsed earlier this month 08/2018 on drive from Socal to Norcal no problems very well maintained station I think it gets lots of use from other businesses that use utility trucks so they have a reason to keep it up and running.
2 Dec 2015rkentishNeed a price check here-$1.00 price a of 12/1/15?
28 Nov 2015markmorosPumps 3/4 are the only ones that accept credit cards, on the 3600 pump (I checked twice) I did not get a full fill or even close most likely it was a 3000 fill (thats what the pump reported.) Also whoever reported the price at $1 is a terrible person, I built my return trip around this pump and could have saved myself 15+ min of driving by just filling up at any of the other stations along the normal route, it would have been cheaper and I likely would have gotten a full fill.
9 Nov 2015rkentishNew fuel island completed, and old pumps replaced with new card reader on original island. Outside island for commercial accounts only
27 Feb 2015rkentishSecond Fuel Island under construction
10 Feb 2014wzelhoferopen:24 hours, fill:3600psi, pay:creditcard
31 Oct 2012anonymousThe station only was down for 24 hours while PG&E repaired a main gas line in the area. It has been back up and operating 24 -7 since then.
27 Sep 2012anonymousFYI There are signs posted" at Bako PGE (pumps closed 7am 9/28 to 6am 10/1) suggest Delano or Techachipi??
27 Jan 2012anonymous2.40 gge 1-27-2012
13 Jul 2011anonymousI called 7/13/2011 and they have a set of pumps open with 3K and 36K fills. The second set of pumps is still off line Jeff
2 Jul 2011anonymousI use this station often and it often gives error code E165 (incomplete fill).
9 Jan 2011anonymouseasy to find and took my visa got a great fill on 3600
12 Aug 2010anonymousMy favorite CNG station ever. Well marked. Easy to find. Took Visa no problem.
28 Jun 2010anonymousGood fill. No problems.
4 Nov 2009anonymousDid first fill on new 2010 Honda GX. MasterCard worked fine for 3600 psi
8 Sep 2009anonymousNot working Labor Day
30 Jun 2009anonymous3600 psi hose missing yesterday
30 May 2009anonymousCard reader problem with Citibank Mastercards (had same problem in Jan 09) - get "CARD NOT DETECTED" msg. Luckily had other cards to use (Kinecta Visa and brother-in-law's)
18 May 2009anonymous3600 PSI hose is missing, taken by someone that needed to get hosed by others than Gov'mt
29 Mar 2009anonymousNo problems. Complete 3600 fill
18 Dec 2008anonymousStation Down
21 Nov 2008anonymous3600 Works GREAT! No problems. Just bad area of town - becareful at night!
13 Oct 2008anonymous2008-10-13 3600 psi pump "Out of Service", only 3000 psi works ok.
29 Sep 2008anonymous9/24 and 9/28 - had to fill twice to get full fill - but gave solid 3600 psi after 2nd fill.
27 Jun 2008anonymousOnly 3000 from the 3600 hose today.
13 May 2008anonymousPSI: 3000, 3600 (1 each)
13 May 2008anonymousLocation: rom freeway 99, take freeway 58 east, toward Tehachapi 2.3 miles to S. Union Ave. South on S. Union Ave one block. Station is on the southwest corner of S. Union Ave. and Terrace Way

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