Stations > CNG > California > Anaheim

Station details for the So Cal Gas (Trillium CNG) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Anaheim, California

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Station details:

$1.99 per ggeupdated 37 months ago by anonymous

So Cal Gas (Trillium CNG)

1919 S State College Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92806


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Anaheim, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.30 to $2.60 per gge. We have data extending back to March 2008 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 2 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 38 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: AmericanExpress Discover MasterCard VISA Voyager WrightExpress
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000, 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
7 May 2015anonymousOnly one pump works at a time here. Prepare to wait!
18 Mar 2015anonymousFilled up there late last night, 3600 side is working well and I have been getting a good fill there for over a month now. Pump is a little slow to kick up to higher PSI near the end of your fill. This is a popular fill station for the CNG taxi cabs and shuttles that serve the Anaheim Resort so be prepared to wait your turn.
22 Feb 2015jammgorMy favorite station for 3000. Been going there for years. Reliable since Trillium took over from the Gas Company. They were terrible. However, this week 3000 is not working. And that has been a real pain.Because of their usual reliability I let my car get too low now Im stuck!
25 Aug 2014anonymousStill $2.049 on 8/24/14
17 Sep 2013anonymousBeware of Taxi drivers sleeping or counting their tips at the pump. Sometimes they are nice and will pull out of the way. Sometimes not. The pump could use some new hoses and nozzles but the pressure was good.
9 Jun 2013anonymousVery Good pressure, it is @ 3600 or better. When I filled up a taxi left & then one pulled in behind me. No receipts & NO code to enter, Just slide your card & push the button. Very close to Angel Stadium.
26 Feb 2013Andrewr1Good pressure, at or above 3600 on 2-24-13
11 Jul 2012anonymouspressure too low on 3000 and 3600. 2nd time i've struck out here in a week!
5 Jul 2012anonymouspump pressure too low to fill at 4:30am. bummer.
15 Aug 2011anonymousWarning on using the new card reader: it won't read unless the magnetic strip on your credit card is facing to the RIGHT, instead of to the more conventional left during swipe. No instructions on the reader. Thanks to Gabriel for the help. F355Al
3 Aug 2011anonymousFilled up at 3800psi on 7/31 and 8/1 at $2.02; filled up at 3800psi on 8/2 at $2.04.... Station worked fine all three days....
3 Aug 2011anonymousFilled up at 3800psi on 7/31 and 8/1 at $2.02; filled up at 3800psi on 8/2 at $2.04.... Station worked fine all three days....
25 Jul 2011anonymousGreat on and off ramp via Gene Autry exit. Consistent good fill at 3600 psi.
11 Jun 2011anonymousLocated at a local gas company. On vacation and this was the only pump with 3000psi in the anaheim area. Worked great.
9 Jun 2011anonymousVery convenient location from Southbound 5 carpool lane offramp at Gene Autry. Entrance is on Gene Autry second driveway from State College. Two dispensers, 3600 and 3000 psi.
10 Oct 2010anonymousThere's now a porta-potty nearby.
31 May 2010anonymous1.999 Memorial Day only? If so, I hit it on the right day.
13 May 2010anonymousHappy taxi driver here, this cng station works 3000 and 3600 psi - takes credit cards.
29 Apr 2010anonymousNew dispenser and card reader installed!
20 Mar 2010anonymousI've had it with trying to use the lower the regular card reader has been inoperable for 2 months. Don't waste your time , by usin the lower pad, unexpectantly runs the safety video and there is no way to aknowledge it after it runs
31 Jan 2010anonymous1/28/10 ~Noon I saw a car fill on the 3600 psi. Price still at $2.06/gge
12 Aug 2009anonymousThe 3000psi pump was OUT OF ORDER on 8/11/09. Contact Trillium and they said it would be fixed within a couple days.
29 Jun 2009anonymous4200psi today! Wow
22 Mar 2009anonymous$0.17 cheaper than Clean Energy. Way to keep the prices down Trillium.
30 Dec 2008anonymous$0.39 more expensive than Garden Grove Arco!
25 Sep 2008anonymous3600psi side only gave 3100 psi fill (gauge at top of hose). This has happened twice in one week. Normally a good fill????
8 Jul 2008anonymous3000PSI pump does not appear to be working - could not get pressure when connected to vehicle. 3600 PSI seems okay.
6 Jul 2008anonymous3600 psi side getting slow and weak again. Only 3400 psi fill on the gauge in the cool a.m. with no one else there.
11 Jun 2008anonymousgood 3600 psi fill today!
23 May 2008anonymousEasy access from carpool lanes on I-5 FWY
8 May 2008anonymous2008-05-07 Good fill. Training video working but the sound is in-audible. If you watch it, you can get a new PIN. Which is unique to the card your using.
24 Apr 2008anonymousThis station has a fill line pressure gauges at the top of the pumps. I got a 3350 psig fill from the 3000 pump. All the stations should add a gauge!!!!
15 Apr 2008anonymous4-14-08 $2.429/gge 3000psi & 3600psi; filled up on 3600psi; Entrance from E Gene Autry Wy., N side; 2nd driveway W of S State College Blvd. Cabby said pump reliable.
26 Mar 2008anonymousGrand opening celebration April 1, 2008 (no joke!) CNG for $1.50 / GGE from 7AM to 4PM.
7 Dec 2007anonymousTrillium is taking over operations. Station should be open in Jan or Feb. see:CNGChat Thread

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