Stations > CNG > California > Azusa

Station details for the Socal Gas Azusa base Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Azusa, California

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Station details:

$1.99 per ggeupdated 37 months ago by jsera

Socal Gas Azusa base

950 N Todd Avenue Azusa, CA 91702


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Azusa, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.44 to $2.89 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 9 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 59 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: AmericanExpress Discover MasterCard VISA Voyager WrightExpress
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
5 Jun 2019jseraFor up to date prices for this station, SoCal Gas has a web-page that is up to date (at least over the past few months since I have been monitoring it).
8 Nov 2018jseraI had the opportunity to talk with SoCal Gas representative a few months ago. Inquired about the price changes. Was informed the price changes at the beginning of each month.
7 Oct 2016jseraThere is a new screen interface. It asks you to acknowledge that you have read the safety requirements... I don't recall if it asked me to input my code though... All I can say it was different. Also the price went up... recently went down to $2.28 and is back up to $2.40. Wish I understood why.
30 Sep 2015robodude3000/3600 PSI pump not working, says back to operation in 5 minutes, called after 10 minutes waiting, told that the pump has elctronic issue and operator needs 20 minutes to arrive, No time, need to go to work, tough spot.
22 Jun 2014bigmarkThis station has been good to me, It's operated by by the Gas company and gives one of the most complete fills compared to other stations in my network.
12 May 2014anonymousI have noticed that the trash trucks have suddenly disappeared. Lines are almost non-existent now and the horrible smell is gone too :-)
5 Jan 2014env_krishThe price jumped from last week ($2.11) to $2.24. Huge hike. Not sure what the reason is. But, I have always got 100% fills with 3600 psi here.
13 Sep 2013anonymousThis station has three 3600 pumps and one 3000 pump. Great prices, but the billing might be funny - my fillups on 9/11 and 9/13 are showing up as $100 pending charges on my credit card (actual amounts should have been $12 and $9).
21 Jul 2013anonymousWorking Good, Smooth, No Waiting on Sunday :)
15 Jul 2013anonymousWorking OK, No Waiting
7 Dec 2012anonymousToo many Trash Trucks and Buses.
3 Nov 2012anonymousOpen 24h. $196.5 today. I usually get 100% fills with the 3600 pumps.
1 Nov 2012anonymousThis station is great as far as price goes but is saturated by garbage trucks at all hours of the day and into the evening. The problem is that the one pump (#3) is sometimes available when they are there, but is usually either broke or stops pumping at around 60%.
5 Oct 2012anonymousboth station pumps operable, thanks for the quick repairs.
1 Oct 2012anonymousone pump working and did not get a full 3600 filling. Also, 23 minutes in line to fuel with trash trucks. Not a good day at this station
18 Sep 2012anonymousAs of this morning only one 3600 pump functional.
24 Jul 2012anonymous2 pumps working, 2 pumps non-op but tech was working on it as I filled. Good 3600 psi fill
13 Jun 2012anonymousIt was filling great with the new pump nozzle, but now the pressure's off. I'm only getting 2/3 of what I usually get mileage-wise.
12 May 2012anonymousBest price, easy access off the street.
17 Mar 2012anonymous100% fills. Good price and pressure!
9 Mar 2012anonymousBeen using this facility for the past two months. Stop here about every two days. Best price around and have never had any problem with pumps.
25 Jan 2012anonymousAll pumps were down 1-25-2012
18 Jan 2012anonymousAll pumps working.
18 Jan 2012anonymousBest place on 210 to fill. Have been filling here for a month every other day, never had any issues. 100% fill everytime @ good price.
3 Jan 2012anonymousmy First fill yesterday night. Was clean and hassle free. Got 100% fill. very happy !!!
22 Dec 2011anonymousPumps sometime go into a "host unreachable" error on the screen, this happens after 8pm, really annoying. They need a better pay system.
18 Nov 2011anonymousFilled up yesterday and pump working great. The garbage trucks are only using two of the three 3600 psi pumps and the 3000 psi is usually always available
25 Aug 2011anonymousGood fill last nite. Station now has 4 pumps, three 3600 and one 3000 psi.
15 Jul 2011anonymousBoth sides were again out of order on July 14. They are installing a second pump, which I hope they will designate for light trucks and cars only, because the dump trucks and buses make it impossible to fill during commuting hours.
14 Jul 2011anonymousSoCAL Gas is allowing the tank to go completely empty so that they can complete the project of adding 2 new pumps. As of approximately 7:30 a.m. today, the tank was near empty and only pumped out 0.85 of a gallon (approx. 12% fill).
14 Jul 2011anonymousHandwritten sign: Comp not working, fill until gas is depleted. Got two gallons. Has been very spotty since they decided to upgrade and instal new pumps!
13 Jul 2011anonymousI fueled here this morning at about 11am. Got a great 3600 fill.
12 Jul 2011anonymousNot working this morning. No signs or Out of Order posted.
11 Jul 2011anonymous
1 Jun 2011anonymousWe are installing a backup compressor and upgrade the electrical power and service. Additionally, we will add another public dispenser at Azusa to alleviate some of the periodic congestion at the pumps. July 2011
27 May 2011anonymous5/27/11: as of 9 a.m. card reader malfunctioning again, not allowing gas to be dispensed. What a pain and hustle.
24 May 2011anonymous5/24/11: Station is working fine as of 5/24 @ noontime, but not printing receipt. I have to wait more than 20 mins. bec too many garbage trucks gassing up
22 May 2011anonymous5/21/11:Was'nt able to gas up bec. card reader malfunctioning @9 am. Couple cars before me experienced same thing.
3 May 2011anonymousSchool buses and trash trucks dominate this station, please get another pump installed!
1 Apr 2011anonymousAlways a great fill here, prices are awesome too!
23 Mar 2011anonymousGreat fill, but I can't find a time of day when there isn't a line of trash trucks waiting to fill their huge tanks.
8 Mar 2011anonymousGood station, got a 100% fill, to many city vehicles, trash trucks and school buses, more pumps needed.
20 Feb 2011anonymousGood place, BUT ... the doggone dump trucks are there ALL the time. Can't they get their own fill facility?
25 Jan 2011anonymousI've gone to many stations in the general vicinity (Compton- Pasadena-Ontario) by far the best fill at this facility with the most reasonable price. The good fills are in Pasadena +.40, or Bellfolwer +.50, or at LAX +.60. this one has both: Good fill
7 Nov 2010anonymousThe best place in the area so far!
23 Jul 2010anonymousThis is one of my favorite stations because I always get a good fill and is the lowest price in the area, but try not to go in the morning hours or you could get stuck waiting for 50 school buses and garbage trucks.
6 Mar 2010anonymousBeen getting full tank all the time. Got my GX a week ago.
4 Nov 2009anonymousGot a 100% fill the other day
2 Oct 2009anonymousThis station is down until 10/6/2009 according to the sign. Is it asking to much of the Gas Company to post a comment on this website to give the public some warning as these stations are far and few between?
12 Aug 2009anonymousThis station works fine.
3 Apr 2009anonymousstattion was down for maintenence on 4/1-4/2/09 and is now up and operational
27 Mar 2009anonymousThere was a sign posted there as of yesterday that said the station will no longer function as of April 1.
20 Sep 2008anonymousfill on 3600 is good and complete
6 Jun 2008anonymousfill on 3600 is still not complete
20 May 2008anonymousfill on 3600 is not complete
4 Apr 2008anonymousVery reliable. Always over 3600 psi.

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