Stations > CNG > California > Garden Grove

Station details for the SoCalGas - Garden Grove Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Garden Grove, California

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Station details:

$1.91 per ggeupdated 37 months ago by anonymous

SoCalGas - Garden Grove

12698 Industry St. Garden Grove, CA 92841


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Garden Grove, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.52 to $3.30 per gge. We have data extending back to October 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 4 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 62 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

22 Jan 2008anonymousActually on Industry Street. Directions: Exit Highway 22 at Knott Street/Golen West Street, north on Knott, right/east on Lampson Avenue, right/south on Industry Street, station at end of street on left, access on Industry Street
20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: AmericanExpress Discover MasterCard VISA Voyager WrightExpress
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
31 Mar 2018anonymousFirst fill up at this station and got a full fill even if the first bar on the Civic indicator went off as I left the facility. As a new owner I'd not even seen this light up yet. Lowest price I've found in the area too.
9 Sep 2015anonymous3600 nozzle down as of yesterday. Temporary paper sign placed over it.
1 Apr 2015mikekobelGood fill tonight at 7:35 pm. 3680 psi.
11 Feb 2015rkentish3600 PSI nozzle would not connect yesterday, 3000 PSI pump operational
27 Jan 2014anonymouspumps were recently remodeled. Both 3000 & 3600 up n running. Weak fill on 3600 side today only about 3100.
26 Jan 2014mikekobel1-26-14 new pumps are installed and operational. I got a 3150 psi fill from the 3600 psi side. The readout on the new pump is in psi now instead of % fill.
14 Jan 2014mikekobelNotice on pump. Will be down for repairs through 1/17/14.
19 Dec 2013etinseth12/18/13 - Weak fill on 3600 side only filled to 3000 level. Also, the lights were out at the site. Had to use cell phone to see what I was doing.
2 Dec 2013mikekobel3600 psi was working on 12/1/13
19 Sep 2013anonymous3600 psi side was operational this morning.
10 Sep 2013mikekobelFilled up on 3000 psi side on 9/4/13. 3600 psi side was out of service. Price was $2.067.
13 Jul 2013anonymousOperational with 3000psi fill today
17 May 2013anonymousI have tried to fill up my 3600psi vehicle several times, it will never fill above 80%. Nice quite station, but I never get a full tank
12 Mar 2013anonymousBest price in region. I love this place.
8 Mar 2013anonymous3600 lbs fill with ease. Station works just fine and with $1.95 price, it beats Clean Energy stations charging $3.
24 Dec 2012anonymousFilled 77% fill on 12/24...however, a couple days ago the pump read 100%...anyone else ever get a 100% here?
10 Dec 2012mikekobelI filled up there at 10:06 pm 3600 psi & got 83%. Price was $2.022/gge.
17 Nov 2012anonymousStation confirmed closed during off-business hours.
4 Nov 2012anonymousWent to station around 7:30pm, put on the nozzle, and nothing came out. 0% fill.
22 Sep 2012anonymous73% fill on 9/22/12 at 1am. If you don't hold the hose straight, it will spin on your car's gas nozzle, tip the lever, and shut off the pump. Hold that nozzle straight!!
19 Jul 2012anonymousFill this morning was slow and quit prior to a full fill.
19 Mar 2012anonymousOnly the 3000psi hose is working as of 18Mar12
3 Jan 2012anonymousI go to this pump regularly, and I usually only get 75% fill off 3600. There is one 3600 and one 3000 pump. Sometimes I have to wait for city trucks, but it's so cheap its worth the wait.
5 Dec 2011anonymous3600psi pump not working was on floor as it someone drove off w/it. Was able to get 3000psi.
8 Nov 2011anonymous3000 PSI pump gave my crown victoria a 100% fill today at 10pm.
30 Sep 2011anonymousPump only gave me 10% fill...
3 Feb 2011anonymousWas down to four bars on my 2008 Civic, but couldn't even get a gallon equivalent. Price was up too.
7 Jan 2011anonymousGlad to see this pump running again .. still only putting out 80% fills
16 Dec 2010anonymous3600 psi pump wouldnt pump this evening had to use the 3000psi pump i havent got a good fill yet from this station (only filled there 3 times so far)
3 Dec 2010anonymousFilled up here at 8:46 p.m. on December 2, 2010 - I got a good fill of 10.855 GGE
2 Dec 2010anonymousBoth pumps NOT operating properly, you'd be lucky to get $4 worth of gas.
15 Nov 2010anonymousEach time I fill there, the pump displays 75% to 80% filled, and car gauge displays 100%.
27 Sep 2010anonymous3600 PSI is still not operational
2 Jul 2010anonymous3600 PSI is not operational
23 Apr 2010anonymous2010-04-23 Station was done at 7:45 am this morning with computer glitch .
22 Mar 2010anonymous
14 Jan 2010anonymousUsed the station on the evening of 1/11/10 and the lighting was not operational. Had to fill up in the dark.
28 Dec 2009anonymousThis filling Station is not on Monarch St !! It is on the back side of the Gas Co office on Industry St. It took me 10 minutes to determine that. There is a sign at the gated entrance on Monarch advising you of that. Rather hard to read at night.
13 Oct 2009anonymousI take it back! Not 100% fill! I didn't know what a 100% fill was until I went to Valero on Harbor in Anaheim. I got 50 + before the needle went down to the full line. Also, this is the gas company, shouldn't they have the lowest price in OC?
26 Aug 2009anonymousAnother 100% fill with 3600 pump, even though it said 75%. 99 Civic GX, needle is on the Full line at 20 miles.
8 Aug 2009anonymous3000 psi faces the street, 3600 psi faces the fence.
7 Aug 2009anonymousMany visits, terrible fill always.
6 Aug 2009anonymousPump said 71% but it was really 100%, based on gge output.
13 Jul 2009anonymousa 3000 psi fill is not uncommon. I spoke with a tech and their compressor is only rated and set to 3600psi. With loss of pressure in the system and lowered volume in the tanks, a 3000 psi fill is actually good. Works great for less than CE prices.
17 Nov 2008anonymousAnother weak fill on the 36oo psi side. I'm done with this station!
12 Nov 2008anonymousI got a 100% fill using only 3000 psi.
27 Oct 2008anonymousThis is the weakest station I know of. I get 75% usually.
25 Oct 2008anonymous75% fill on 3600 pump. Looks like 3600 is only pumping at 3000.
6 Oct 2008anonymous3600 PSI side reconnected and working.
3 Oct 2008anonymousOnly one pump was working. The other had its filling hose disconnected. Didn't look to see if it the one I used today was 3600 or not but got as good a fill as from the other side.
25 Sep 2008anonymousWeak fill tonight. Only 61% and couldn't hear the compressor running either.
3 Sep 2008anonymousCould only get a 75% fill.
18 Aug 2008anonymousIt seems to be only 3600 psi. There is no longer a 3000 psi.
19 Mar 2008anonymousI have never gotten a "good" fill at this pump. Very frustrating.
22 Jan 2008anonymousThe station is actually on Industry St., NOT on Monarch ST.
12 Dec 2007anonymousDec. 11 3600# pump only filled to 3000#
28 Nov 2007anonymous2007-11-30 Fill rate has been good lately, please disregard 11/20 comment.
21 Nov 2007anonymousLow fill rate today

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