Stations > CNG > California > McClellan

Station details for the Sacramento - McClellan Business Park Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in McClellan, California

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Station details:

$2.12 per ggeupdated 144 months ago by anonymous

Sacramento - McClellan Business Park

4785 W. Bailey Loop McClellan, CA 95652

  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

This station was marked non-operational by anonymous on 2013-05-31. (Mobile version)
Report this station as operational again.


The map shows this station and stations that are near it in McClellan, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.10 to $2.75 per gge. We have data extending back to February 2008 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 2 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 33 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: McClellan Electronic Key
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours
13 Dec 2014300mileclubAll the decommissioned equipment is still in place-even down to the fill hoses. RT has private CNG station at 3701 Dudley Blvd McClellan, CA
21 May 2013anonymousOut of Service - bus place nearby is private
21 May 2013anonymousOUT of service 5/21/13
20 May 2013anonymousThis station is now off line permanently off line. PG&E has removed the gas infrastructure.
3 Apr 2013RobSTwin Rivers was scheduled to turn off this pump on March 31st. They have extended the operation until Regional Transit opens their new pumps at Dudley and Forcum Ave, just a mile down the road. RT will also be opening a new pump at 29th and T st in down town Sacramento.
25 Sep 2012anonymousThe duel compressors have just been overhauled and now you can get a fill at any time w/o the issues that have been plaguing this station for the last year. Very reliable again!
11 Jul 2012anonymousPumps are back online. There was a circuit board failure in the dispenser unit.
9 Jul 2012anonymousThis station has been my main filling station for over a year now. These pumps are older and not the most reliable. Getting a file on a Sunday is a 50/50 chance at best. They best reliability is Monday through Friday when the school busses are using them.
5 Apr 2012anonymousI wish that when someone marks a station as nonoperational that they would follow up when it’s back online. This station has not been off line since 3/22/12. For maintenance issues contact Ray at 916-825-9528. Received a good fill on Saturday 3/31/12.
5 Mar 2012anonymousI received a good fill this Sunday March 4th. Pumps have been up every time I came to fill up this year. Don't know why this station is showing off line.
20 Oct 2011anonymousPumps are back up.
7 Oct 2011anonymousBoth the 3000 and 3600 pumps are down.
4 Sep 2011anonymous3600 pump is back on line. open 24 hrs.
30 Jun 2011anonymousPer Sue Alford at the Twin Rivers School District they are removing old gasoline storage tanks and expect to be down 4-6 weeks. When the pumps are open I will send an update.
29 Jun 2011anonymousCurrently off line. Station is undergoing an upgrade of some type. I will try to get more information tomorrow.
25 May 2011anonymousThis was my first fill. Received a full 3600 PSI. Both 3600 and 3000 pumps were up and working.
13 Sep 2010anonymousHave used a couple times lately, gives about 32-3300 psi from either hose. Had other users (busses or security ngv's) early 6:15 am and at 11:30-12)- August statement billed at $2.27 gge. I had not used account since late 2008 - still open.
3 Sep 2009anonymous3000 psi pump out of order; hose missing
3 Sep 2009anonymous2009-9-03 Personal Instructions were very good for our Ford F150CNG and Chevy Cavalier CNG. 3000 PSI pump out 3600 PSI works fine.Directions: Watt to Peacekeeper, Left on Dudley, bear Rght on Dudley at split, right on Bailey Loop. Station on Left.
20 Dec 2008anonymousThe pumps have always displayed a price of $1.10, but that is not the actual price. Customers occasionally get delayed bills when the supplier is late in billing the school district.
3 Dec 2008anonymousI am suspicious of this price - It says $1.10 on the pump, but you are billed monthly - based on Twin Rivers School District determined price. I have bought here for months, but have not recieved my statement for October 08 purchases.
19 Oct 2008anonymousPrices lately are $0.06 less than PG&E. As of 10/1 this should be $1.96 gge
14 Sep 2008anonymousEstimate price of $2.10 for Sep based on July price 0.13 less than PG&E.
9 Jun 2008anonymousAs of 5/25 3600/3000 hoses both operating and with new reinforced fittings
16 May 2008anonymous3000 psi hose not operational (missing)
15 May 2008anonymousAs of 5/14 One fill line operating - gave good 3600 +- fill.
11 May 2008anonymousStation has one line operational as of 5/7. Bill for April was $2.14/gge. Based on increased PG&E charges in May (G-NGV2 tariff), I expect May price will be $2.19. This station buys gas from PG&E, but uses its own cost method.
3 May 2008anonymousAs of 4/29 3000 psi line is up, but 3600 psi line is down.
20 Apr 2008anonymousas of 4/18 3000 psi fill is out of service, 3600 psi fills to 3300-3400 psi
14 Apr 2008anonymousStation is Grant Union school district fueling station - CNG dispenser is on inside lane. Turn right at Dudley Blvd onto Bailey loop, station is then immediately on the left.
5 Apr 2008anonymousNote Address is "Bailey Loop" Contact Cynthia at 916-263-6317 to get application form (individuals ok). Then must schedule training to obtain access.

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