Stations > CNG > California > Carlsbad

Station details for the SDG&E Service Center (Entrance on Cannon Rd) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Carlsbad, California

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Station details:

$2.13 per ggeupdated 37 months ago by BigDaddy2

SDG&E Service Center (Entrance on Cannon Rd)

602 Cannon Road Carlsbad, CA 92008


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Carlsbad, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $0.79 to $2.87 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 9 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 43 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

4 Aug 2008anonymousStation is entered from Cannon Rd. just past RR tracks on north side of street.
20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: American Express VISA MasterCard Voyager SDG&E
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours
1 Feb 2021anonymous.89 cents per GGE this weekend!
23 Oct 2020ndepndantfriday october 23 2020. 2.16 a gallon. both sides seems to be working and printers working again as well.
7 Apr 2018anonymousGreat location, printer jammed, great fill, no receipt, great price.
11 May 2014CNG DavidMay 5th, 2014 / I like these pumps, clean and new. But they make me watch the video three to four times before they work. At the end of the video it is supose to give a code and it doesn't... Very fustrating.
13 Apr 2014anonymousThe first photo above with the civic with its door open is the pump in Corona not the one in Carlsbad.
13 Jan 2014anonymousjan 13: problem with pump. called sdge. I think software has a problem. I put my card in and my code, makes me watch training video again. after video, I hit 'yes' to get new code and it says 'transaction cancelled'
2 Jan 2014anonymousJan 02, 2014. Filled up; 3600 psi; easy on & off I-5.
18 Dec 2013anonymouspump is open, but until tomorrow you HAVE to watch the video and once it prompts you, hit CANCEL and then YES, IMMEDIATELY. also, you have to pull the lever on the handle till it clicks to latch it, and be careful when releasing after filling, I hurt my finger when it snapped back.
7 Dec 2013anonymouspump will be closed Dec 9 through Dec 20 for installation of a more powerful compressor
7 Nov 2013anonymousJust talked to the station, they will be closed 11/11-12/2013.
13 Sep 2013anonymousStation operational on one side of pump. New station construction ongoing
30 Aug 2013anonymousStopped by today. Sign says Out of Order. Not expected to be working until 9/3/13 once they get electrical transformer fixed.
14 Jul 2013Ushy1066***BEWARE****3600 yellow banded nozzle DOES NOT automatically shut off when full. Pump keeps going. My Honda Civic came in with 3 bars showing. I shut pump off after it pumped 8.2 gallons into an 8 gallon tank. I was ripped of by about $5.00. ****BEWARE**** and after all of that, I left the station with only 18 bars----not a 100% fill. ***BEWARE*****
17 May 2013anonymous57% fill yesterday @7:28 AM on 3660 pump
6 May 2013rkentish3600 pump down, 3000 OK
11 Nov 2012anonymousThe photo given on 2012-11-5 is the Corona CNG station, not Carlsbad. Fuel cost is $1.98.
4 Sep 2012anonymousCalled SDGE dialed 0 and Emily stated the station is open as of 9-4-2012 it was closed on 9-3-2012 for "holiday". if it does not have an operator why does a machine need a holiday?
11 Jun 2012KevinRTaylorYesterday two cars were waiting at the pump and one owner said the pump wasn't working. Today I called SDGE (dial 0 got the operator) and the station is still down with no estimate for completion.
12 Jul 2011anonymouspump 2 (3600) is giving various error messages and it took about 5 attempts to get it to work. SDGE said they would send out a tech. great fill when it finally worked.
6 Jul 2011anonymousused 3600 pump. i'm getting about 70% fill. i was under the impression they were getting a new compressor. i think they tried to fix the old instead, but it ain't fixed. don't plan on getting good fill here
21 Jun 2011anonymous2011-06-13 Had to use 3000psi. Filled to 44% then slowly kept going, then stuck at 50%, but gge kept going....Wow got 7.191gge before I stopped it, but got in car and not even 2gge. Charged $15.53. Called SDGE.
16 Jun 2011anonymousthey are supposed to replace the compressor friday, 6/17.
15 Jun 2011anonymous3600 PSI pump not working as of 6/14/2011
13 Jun 2011anonymousStation has been getting gradually worse the last few weeks. My last 4 fill-ups on the 3600 side have been 77, 72, 57 and today, 44%. I'm going to call to see what's up.
27 Mar 2011anonymousWorking fine as of Friday 3-25. Great station. Right off highway. Easy off and back on I-5. Price is right too!
13 Mar 2011anonymous3600 PSI pump says 'Hose in Use' when hose not in use and won't allow pumping. called for maintenance.
3 Mar 2011anonymousPump works fine but does not print receipts. Sign indicates it may be a while before this is remedied.
2 Mar 2011anonymousI was there on 2/26/11 and the station was working just fine.
8 Feb 2011anonymousAddress listed on this site won't work in GPS. When entering address, use this one: 4940 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, CA 92008
24 Jan 2011anonymousGreat facility. The CNG pumps are at the east end of the complex, next to the RR tracks on Cannon, easy to miss on your first visit. Got a full fill, pumps have apparently been rebuilt.
31 May 2010anonymousGot a great fill (over 3600) wednesday, beat the school bus!
16 May 2010anonymousI love this station. It has never let me down, 3600 psi, and easy access from the freeway.
20 Feb 2010anonymous3600 pump working. exactly 3600 psi fill (no overfill) at 60F outside temp
15 Aug 2009anonymousNever received a full fill after using this station for a handful of times.
4 Oct 2008anonymousOnly a 94% fill in the middle of the night.
1 Aug 2008anonymousAddress wrong? Take Cannon Rd. exit off I-5 then go west. First driveway on right after railroad tracks. Nothing at the address on Carlsbad Blvd/Ave.
23 Jul 2008anonymous7-23-08 pump is operational. only a 80%-85% fill last couple of months.
26 May 2008anonymousBoth pumps working and giving a great fill.
10 Apr 2008anonymousBoth pumps working but the 3600 gives a bad fill.
29 Feb 2008anonymous3600 psi fill working, 3000 psi pump broken

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