Stations > CNG > California > San Fernando

Station details for the City of San Fernando Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in San Fernando, California

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Station details:

$2.54 per ggeupdated 52 months ago by anonymous

City of San Fernando

120 Macneil Street San Fernando, CA 91340


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in San Fernando, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.44 to $2.95 per gge. We have data extending back to February 2008 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 6 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 51 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Feb 2008anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
20 Feb 2008anonymousPayment: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cash
27 Dec 2018anonymousCall today (12/27/18) and was informed the station is operational again (all new station)
10 Dec 2018anonymousStation is open!
8 Dec 2018eddiewhoAll new and re-opened, nice! 12/08/18
5 Dec 2018anonymousOpen Now
7 Sep 2018anonymousStill closed for repairs/upgrades as of 9/7/2018. When I called I was told "at least two more weeks..."
2 Mar 2018anonymous2018 03 02 - Station down for upgrades - DO NOT GO HERE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ... possibly May, 2018 will re-open.
18 Aug 2015anonymousTERRIBLE FILL. Tank was on empty, but pump only filled with 3.85 galons on a 2012 Civic.
6 Feb 2015robodude3000 PSI pump nozzle does not work
11 Sep 2013anonymousThis station's 3600 PSI pump only fills by Civic GX only halfway.
28 Jun 2013freedmlbad fill yesterday afternoon
31 Dec 2012anonymousMost visits to this station yield only 3000 PSI from the 3600 PSI hose. Usually, when I start to fuel, I can hear the compressor start up. I am guessing that the storage is really small.
26 Jul 2012anonymous7/26/12: 5 am went to fill up and a bus has just finished and taken 100% of the fuel. No perssure in the tank, I got Zero fuel. The buses should fill up at night not during commuting hours!
22 Jul 2012anonymousOn 7/15/12 - Filled on 3600psi pump to about 85/90%. Station located right across from City Hall.
19 Jul 2012anonymous3000 psi hose is disconnected and out of service
17 Sep 2011anonymousWhile pressure at this 3600 pump is usually a little low, recently it doesn't give much more than 3/4 fill in the GX.
23 Jun 2011anonymousGot 3700 PSI fill today. Gas was coming out at 4000 PSI. Unmanned station, credit cards only open 24 hours. Next closest station is at South side of Van Nuys Air Port.
5 May 2011anonymousthe problem at this station is that the 3000psi backfires something awful (very loud) so they backed down the compressors so it only pumps up to 2700 psi and now no more backfire noises and only 3/4 tank full fills.
14 Apr 2011anonymousI cant seem to FILL the tank 100% here... Or is it that is just burns faster than the Santa Clarita Station?
14 Apr 2011anonymousBoth hoses are working.
26 Nov 2010anonymous3000psi hose is broken only 3600psi works.
23 Apr 2010anonymousFuel here burns faster than Clean Energy. I get more miles using Clean Energy than this city gas pump. It is a shame that they raised their prices.
13 Apr 2010anonymousWhat a shame the City of San Fernando felt the need to raise the price 30 cents a gallon over night!
17 Mar 2010anonymousBoth pumps are working, but both at 3000 psi
13 Mar 2010anonymousStill no 3000 PSI-left me without enough fuel to make it to the closest alternative--can you say AAA?
13 Mar 2010anonymous3600 PSI pump working normal, a bar or two short on the GX
8 Mar 2010anonymous3000 psi pump out of order
2 Feb 2010anonymousOnly 3400 psi fill on 3600 psi pump.
11 Dec 2009anonymousTheir "Angie" confirm they have fixed the problem with the 3000 PSI nozzle. They are open 24/7, public accessable, and take the usual common credit cards.
26 Nov 2009anonymous3000 PSI nozzle has been changed to the same one as 3600 PSI
26 Oct 2009anonymousBoth 3600 & 3000 are working properly If you want a reciept you must wait 15 seconds "after" turning off pump. Press R, the hose number you used, then Enter.
25 Oct 2009anonymousboth pumps not operational
12 Oct 2009anonymousSomeone keep switching the lever to off on the dispenser. If you go here and it does not work check the dispenser lever and make sure it is on on. Be advised there are two levers. Both must be placed to on in order for it to work
20 Sep 2009anonymous3600 no receipt. STILL 2 bars short of a load on my GX
17 Jun 2009anonymousFill on 3600 psi pump is always two bars short on my Civic GX. Doesn't seem to be 3600 psi, even though it says it is.
24 Sep 2008anonymousmore generous fill, around 3800psi on pump #2
19 Sep 2008anonymousPump #1 Gave me no receipt last night
14 Sep 2008anonymousPump 2 now a more generous fill, a little over 3700 psi
11 Sep 2008anonymousgreat location, great price, a little less than 3600 on pump 2
10 Sep 2008anonymousAddress is 120 N Macneil St for GPS. They replaced 3600psi nozzle with more forgiving type. Thank you!
3 Sep 2008anonymousEasy location. Right in front of City Hall. Not quite a full 3,600 fill (98 degrees today). BEWARE -- there is an IN & OUT burger on your way back on to the N. 5 fwy.
24 Aug 2008anonymousGreat station - slightly light fill, but best price by far
17 Jun 2008anonymousStill $1.99! Worked ok but slightly under 3600 psi. Love this station.
13 Jun 2008anonymousGreat fill and 1.99 price on 3k pump. Display very hard to read in sunlight. No pin required
28 May 2008anonymous4am swiped card. wanted my O-domitor reading, wanted my Car number (my vin number so went to Burbank
8 May 2008anonymousWell lit, across from City Hall and PD. No Amex though but per Robt city is comitted to keep low cost.
29 Apr 2008anonymous1-3000 PSI PUMP, 1-3600 PSI PUMP
29 Apr 2008anonymousGood fill and NOT a Clean Energy station.
28 Mar 2008anonymousPer Joyce- Grand opening 3-28-2008 and price will be 1.99 for the next few weeks.

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