Stations > CNG > California > Santa Clara

Station details for the Specialty Solid Waste & Recycling (Trillium CNG) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Santa Clara, California

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Station details:

$2.44 per ggeupdated 80 months ago by anonymous

Specialty Solid Waste & Recycling (Trillium CNG)

3351 Thomas Road Santa Clara, CA 95054


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Santa Clara, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.68 to $3.17 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 4 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 41 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: MasterCard VISA
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily, Pinnacle card also accepted
13 Jul 2015anonymousnow functional
17 Mar 2014anonymousPump out of service this morning. Employee told me that the whole software system was down, so pumps at SJC were probably not working either.
4 Sep 2013anonymousI've been using this pump as my primary fill up location for almost 2 years now. I come in the evenings and I'm very satisfied. I'm usually the only vehicle and I can fill up quickly. If you come during the day, you run the risk of competing with the garbage trucks, which basically make your fill just stop. If that happens, I just drive to the nearby san jose airport cng station which always works but is a lot of driving just to get in and out.
20 Aug 2013anonymousCompeting to fill with a large company of trash trucks. There is not always enough pressure to keep pumps running.
12 Jun 2013anonymousFound Station's Pump Screen stating their System was shutdown on 6/7 at 8pm. Came back today at 7pm and got a 3200psi fill on the yellow 3600 hose despite Gauge reading 3700psi
21 May 2013anonymousI called the center and they confirmed that the station has been back up and operational for the past few days so I just pulled up and got a fill after waiting for all the garbage trucks to go away.
11 May 2013anonymousThis station is always open 24/7 ever since Ive been using the yellow 3600 psi hose since June 2012. However since January 2013 I usually only get 3200psi on a "fill up" eventhough the gauge on the pump always reads above 4000 psi after the "fill up". where as on other pumps in the Bay Area they really give me 3600psi. There is only one public pump, so mornings are really busy with a line of vans, shuttle and school buses. The company's garbage trucks take priority over the pump when they return in afternoons so the public pump doesnt fill until they are done and the compressors catch up refilling the storage tanks so expect a long time to fill. .
10 May 2013anonymousSystem down this morning at 10:50AM
31 Jan 2013madmaisonUsed the pump today at 5:00pm without incident.
20 Jan 2013anonymousOwner no longer welcomes the public to use this public pump, which is seems to be shutdown after hours and on weekends. When it is open on the weekdays, the specialty waste trucks have priority -- in other words, if they are using their pumps inside, the outside public pump is automatically shut off and you'll need to wait until they are done filling all their trucks. Unreliable and unfriendly owner. Don't count on this station if you really need gas.
10 Jul 2012anonymousFilled up 7/10/12, no issue
6 Jun 2012anonymous6.4.2012 I got gass at this station. Worked great!
29 Apr 2012anonymousMy first fill with my Honda GX. Pump is working, 3600 PSI. Had to wait for the waste trucks to leave before it would start fueling my car.
18 Apr 2012anonymousThis morning both this station and the SJC station were shut down due to credit card problems, I called 801-531-1166 just now and they say they are working again. But I've got enough gas to get to Union City so I think I'll just go there tonight. If someone has used the Santa Clara station since the morning of 4/18, please post here
5 Dec 2011anonymousHave been getting 4300-4400 PSI in the afternoons for the past 4-6 weeks.
23 Oct 2011anonymousWorked fine last week; about a 3800 psi fill.
13 Sep 2011anonymousOnly 2,500 PSI at noon on 9/12/11.
26 Jul 2011anonymousI got a fill today 7/26/2011 at 8:25AM PDT. Had to call since card reader was saying my card was rejected. Used the nearby phone and a computer tech fixed the issue.
25 Jul 2011anonymousStation was down at 7AM 7/25. Maintenance person had "no idea" when it would be back up
8 Jul 2011anonymousstation up - credit card reader worked fine 7/8
6 Jul 2011anonymouscredit card reader not operational this morning )7/6)
4 Jul 2011anonymousStation was operational yesterday. Has only one filling station and hence can cause delay if their is a line with trucks waiting.
24 Jun 2011anonymousstation back up on 6/22
21 Jun 2011anonymousI usually fuel at 7:30AM or so - all the garbage trucks are at work (and not fueling)
18 Jun 2011anonymousNON OPERATIONAL as of 6/18/2011 9:30AM
3 Jun 2011anonymousThe price of CNG is $ 2.47 went to high and the pump was very slow around 12:15 pm
16 May 2011anonymousNo problems, go in the evening. 4000psi.
17 Mar 2011anonymousI found going there after 4PM works great - no trucks are still working and pressure is fabulous (I think the storage tanks full once trucks leave)
16 Oct 2010anonymousThis pump is adjacent to a truck CNG pumping yard with each truck taking 30gge at a time. If ANY truck is being fueled, this pump will take your credit card but not operate until the truck fill-up is complete. I now use this only on weekends.
11 Sep 2010anonymousThis station is very poorly maintained. I went this station 5 times in the last 3 months. Two times 3600 PSI not available. One time neither 3600 nor 3000 PSI are avialbale
22 Jul 2010anonymousAttach hose, turn on valve and enter pin, it automatically starts filling within a second or two. Recently getting 4300 psi!
30 Nov 2009anonymousI couldn't get this eccentric system to work. It uses a non-intuitive touch screen, issues a PIN, but has no on/off lever or button; it is not clear when you are supposed to attach the hose. I think the card reader may have been on the fritz.
3 Nov 2009anonymousFill pressure very inconsistent when trucks are fueling, generally better after 4:00 pm
3 May 2009anonymousBoth pumps working. I use this station regularly. Very clean
24 Mar 2009anonymousPublic pump non-operational today 3/24/09 18:30, no pressure, empty?
8 Jan 2009anonymousInconsistent Fills on both 3000&3600
22 Sep 2008anonymousInconsistent fills on 3600psi. Varies from 3300-4100 psi
28 Jul 2008anonymous1 1-sided pump for public use.

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