Stations > CNG > California > San Francisco

Station details for the San Francisco International Airport - South View Lot (Trillium) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in San Francisco, California

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Station details:

$2.35 per ggeupdated 36 months ago by anonymous

San Francisco International Airport - South View Lot (Trillium)

Bayshore Highway San Francisco, CA 94128


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in San Francisco, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.40 to $3.05 per gge. We have data extending back to December 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 6 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 18 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: AmericanExpress MasterCard VISA
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily, contact station to obtain required
26 May 2017300mileclub349 S McDonnell Rd, Millbrae, CA
26 Mar 2014anonymousFilled up am, pumps facing sfo are 3600psi. Numerous pumps, lighted nicely for 24hr service. Highly recommend.
31 Oct 2013300mileclubFuel Islands are outside of runway fencing at S McDonnell Rd just north of intersection with E Millbrae Av
5 Apr 2012anonymousThis station is VERY reliable and there are numerous pumps - a password is NOT needed anymore when using a visa card
19 Mar 2012anonymous3/19/12 pumps are fixed except for one - all are back up and running - i like this station because there is no waiting and password is needed anymore - a plus
13 Mar 2012anonymous3/13/12 this trillium is usually VERY reliable with numerous pumps to use - today though lots of pumps do not work and are lying on the ground
19 Oct 2011anonymousStill $2.10 on 10/19 - great value and plenty of fueling hoses
3 Jun 2011anonymousFilled up 5-30-2011 first pump station, 2nd pump cloesest to airport, no price listed, no printer, used phone to request receipt, was told it would be emailed, today is 6-3 and yet to get the email. Pressure good. Chuck
18 Mar 2011anonymousFilled in today on pump 5 - excellent pressure, 3600 psi. Everything works including printer
18 Mar 2011anonymousFilled in today on pump 5 - excellent pressure, 3600 psi. Everything works including printer
9 Jul 2010anonymousused station tonight. Pump 8 out of order.7was fine as was printer. 07/09/2010
2 Feb 2010anonymousUsed station last night. Everything worked fine, including receipt printer
27 Dec 2009anonymousreciept printer not working cannot get pin #...
30 Aug 2008anonymousNo longer requires Trillium card. Watch video at pump to get Trillium PIN specific to your own MC or VISA.
21 Dec 2007anonymousNeed access card to use station.

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