Stations > CNG > California > Orange

Station details for the Orange County Public Works Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Orange, California

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Station details:

$2.29 per ggeupdated 51 months ago by anonymous

Orange County Public Works

2023 W Collins Ave Orange, CA 92867


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Orange, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.99 to $2.29 per gge. We have data extending back to March 2010 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 2 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 39 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

31 Jul 2018NinjadogmaStopped in on 7/27 and signs were taped to the pumps that they are currently unable to process credit cards.
9 Jul 2018anonymousNot taking credit card for about three weeks now
22 Jun 2014anonymousThis station had been having hoses gone off pumps presumably because they weren't functioning. Eventually there was only one working pump. They were offline for repairs for a couple days Mid June 2014 but as of 6/20/2014 they were fully operational again.
18 Apr 2014anonymousTwo of the four stations are out of service.
20 Jan 2014env_krishWent back a couple of days later and found that the glitch with the card reader was only temporary. As of 1/16/2014 the gas station is up and running. Happy filling!
15 Jan 2014env_krishOn January 9, 2014, there has been an error with the card reader machine. No gas could be dispenses from any pump. Hope they have fixed it, as I got excellent fill (close to 4000 psi) read from the gauge on my last fill.
28 Sep 2013anonymousGood fill on #2 last week. Still no receipt
21 Aug 2013smurdoch2 of four pumps not functioning - gut good fill on the ones that are working
25 Jul 2013scubahueyPump is working today and creditcard is working but no receipt. Two taxi were also pumping. Good price and quick fill
24 Jan 2013anonymousExcellent station, well lit, has portapotty if you need it. Got good pressure @ 3600psi.
30 Oct 2012Andrewr1Got about 3800 psi on 10-29
6 Aug 2012anonymousJust talked to operator. Pressure had been very low on Sunday. He said that the system sometimes needs to be reset on weekends and the station is not manned then. Monday morning it's all better. Consistent pressure at max allowed. I get higher refill here than other stations. So far price has never changed (1.99).
24 Jul 2012anonymousSo sad.. My favorite station has lowered their max pressure about 300 psi. Was consistantly 4100-4200, now I rarely see 4000.. been this way about a month now,,
21 Jul 2012anonymousDown today.
25 Apr 2012anonymousOnly 70% filled today
17 Apr 2012rubalsharmapump 4 not working, pump 2 filled very slowly at around 2000psi on 04/16/2012
6 Jan 2012anonymousI love this station - always get a good fill here!
6 Dec 2011anonymous4 pumps and bathroom. Good fill in the afternoon. for CC use, its 1,enter,1,enter,1,enter Nice taxi driver showed me, county worker was clueless.
4 Aug 2011anonymousI filled up here this morning at 6:00 am and the pumps were working. Only pumping 3400 PSI, but working.
27 Jul 2011anonymousused pump 4 today. 3900 PSI, great fill.
21 Jul 2011anonymousthe hoses are back on pumps 3 & 4 this morning. Didn't use either one, but at least the red repair tags are removed and the hoses are back on.
18 Jul 2011anonymousPumps 3 and 4 are now out of commision. Only pumps 1 and 2 are working.
12 Jul 2011anonymousthe hose on Pump #4 was missing today. I tried to fill on pump #4, 7-11-11 and it did not work. All other pumps are working.
7 Jul 2011anonymous2nd time filling here. This time filled at 3600 PSI. Much better. No one was here.
6 Jul 2011anonymousFilled for the first time using this station this morning at 6:00 am. No one was there, pumps are easy to use, but only 2900 psi on a 3600 psi pump was very disappointing.
17 May 2011anonymousWorking great!! 3900psi?!?!
1 May 2011anonymoushaving a bathroom here is a big plus but the pressure here is the best i have seen so far
11 Apr 2011anonymousFilled up today! No one else at pumps, good fill.
11 Feb 2011anonymousLCD's on Pumps #1 are up and clear. Great pressure this am. I like the newer feeling of everything here like compressors access driveway never crowded, etc.
20 Jan 2011anonymousThe display on pump #2 is not working, but the pump still works. Pump #4 display works fine.
6 Jan 2011anonymousHad AWESOME pressure (4000+)over the holidays, Tuesday 1/4/11, was as if pump was broken, less than 2800lbs
21 Dec 2010anonymousGreat pressure, full fill!
10 Sep 2010anonymousOne hose broken and afternoon pressure low. (too many trash trucks)
14 Jun 2010anonymousMissing 1 of 4 hoses. Low fill pressure.
23 Apr 2010anonymousGreat pressure, got a 4300 psi fill on 4/21. Nice new station.
19 Apr 2010anonymousNice station. Cheap price. Very good fill. The new filling nozzle seems strange at first, but once you use it, it seems better than the older one at Clean Energy. Only 2 of 4 hoses working, though...
25 Mar 2010anonymous3600 Only; VISA/MC Only. Nice new station, four hoses using Tulsa Gas dispensers and "T" type filling nozzles. Despite prior comment, not as freeway convenient as Trillium (SoCal Gas) or CE Garden Grove Arco stations.
23 Mar 2010anonymousCollins & Eckhoff NW corner, great pressure and very convienent to 57 , 22 5 and never crowded, because it's brand new. The nozzels are quick disconnect type like an air hose and you have to rotate the vent knob to fill & detach. Once u do it,its ok

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