Stations > CNG > California > Valencia

Station details for the Clean Energy - City of Santa Clarita Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Valencia, California

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Station details:

$3.10 per ggeupdated 68 months ago by anonymous

Clean Energy - City of Santa Clarita

28273 Alta Vista Ave Valencia, CA 91355


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Valencia, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.29 to $9.99 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 2 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 42 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: VISA MasterCard Clean Energy Voyager
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours
13 Sep 2017monorailengineerNice station but good luck with the trash truck filling up. Prices are always going up. Clean Energy is ripping us off. Whatever happened to cheap cng prices?!
25 Oct 2015airpointsGreat fill!
2 Aug 2015anonymous8.2.2015 good fueling, always garbage trucks there jamming up the place...they cannot pull through and need to back out to exit...always back into pump 1 in front of a trash truck, not behind...idiots ! we need more cng stations on the I-5
26 May 2015airpointsGood fill, no problems
8 Nov 2014anonymous2014-11-7 pumps working fine
15 Dec 2013taikenSmall station but worked great. Got 100% fill on 3600 psi pump. No problems.
29 Jul 2013cnguserStation is NOT suitable for a truck & travel trailer. Too tight, cannot pull through.
27 Jul 2013anonymousMost large vehicle drivers pride themselves on fitting on tight spaces. The space to fill on a 44 bus is very tight. I did not receive a receipt after pumping. Transit employee helped me park next to pump. Thank you Sir!
2 May 2012anonymousGood fill at 88%, one bar short of max on '07 Civic GX. I was able to reach Los Banos with 2 bars remaining with no low fuel light. Roughly 40 mpgge Kept the a/c off on I-5 . . yikes, 84 F outside temp.
25 Jan 2012anonymous3-4 pumps were down 1-25-2012 the same day as Azusa SoCalGas pumps were down. Wierd
28 Dec 2011anonymousThis station works very well- nice 100% fill, both 3600psi pumps operational. No issues
12 Jul 2011anonymousStation was back up and working as of 5:00 pm on July 12, 2011.
10 Jul 2011anonymousGot "Hose not operational" on both 3600 pumps and one 3000. Called CE and they were no help - said they didn't know when it would be operational and were kind of rude about it. Left me on reserve.
10 Jul 2011anonymousNone of the pumps working today. Called Clean Energy.
22 Jun 2011anonymous3000 psi fill without issue @ $2.74 per gal so the price needs to be updated .. had to watch the stupid video twice before the pump would work ... and I had to wait 10 mins for the CNG trash trucks to finish there monster fills ... aside from that A+
30 May 2011anonymousIt was working yesterday, but, only got 85% fill on pump #1 (3600). Called CE.
26 May 2011anonymousStopped by this evening and pumps 1 & 3 had no pressure. I only got about 1.8 gge and it shut off.
17 May 2011anonymousGreat Station but a few garbage trucks line up in the morning AM around 6:00 AM.
14 Apr 2011anonymousfree gas indeed on Sunday 3/27. Price rose to 2.69 from 2.59 sometime in the last week.
28 Mar 2011anonymousIt was giving away free gas on Sunday!!! It was broken in a good way!!!
15 Mar 2011anonymousFilled up my Civic GX 100%. Works great!
5 Mar 2011anonymousI always get 100% fill on 3600psi. Great pump!
12 Aug 2010anonymousOne of the pumps actually backfired. Went the other pump and everything was fine. Easy on easy off. Best station for my trip from LA to Bakersfield.
28 Jun 2010anonymousPumps require training ID# or the viewing of a training video. Training video was down 6/28/10. Good fill.
12 Jan 2010anonymousPumps are back on as of 1/11.
13 Dec 2009anonymousAll working fine. Though at just .40 less than gas I will be buying a Home Refueling Appliance in the "used" market.
26 Oct 2009anonymousTrash truck was filling at pump #1 this morning, so it must be working now.
20 Oct 2009anonymousPump #1 (3600 psi) only pumped .4 gge, then stopped. Display flashed 0% filled. Called CE, then switched to pump #3 to finish.
29 Sep 2009anonymousAll 4 pumps were off.
22 Jun 2009anonymousStation is back up and running and dispensing 3,000 and 3,600 PSI
19 Jun 2009anonymousStation will be undergoing maintenance and will inoperable from 7am-3pm 6/20/09
18 Jun 2009anonymousDon’t know where they get off raising the prices when the cost of natural gas is at an all time low. Only $1.75 in San Fernando.
17 May 2009anonymousEXCELLENT! This pump took me to Los Banos in my GX with 2 bars to spare, then on to the Bay Area. Very nice station. 3600/24hrs/I used VISA.
6 Mar 2009anonymousStation up and operating
7 Jul 2008anonymousThe lever that opens and closes the nozzle collet on pump 3 (3600psi) is broken again. I called C.E. yesterday.
16 Jun 2008anonymousAll 4 pumps are up and running. Filled up at 5:15 this morning.
7 May 2008anonymousLooks like all 4 pumps,(2-3000psi and 2-3600psi,) are now working.
3 May 2008anonymous5/3/08 Both 3600 psi pumps are operating. Only one of two 3000 psi pumps are working.
2 May 2008anonymousStation down @ 1pm on 5/2/08
4 Jan 2008anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600

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