Stations > CNG > Illinois > Des Plaines
Station details for the Gas Technology Institute Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Des Plaines, Illinois
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Station details:
Gas Technology Institute
1700 S Mount Prospect Road Des Plaines, IL 60018
- 3600
- 3000
- Box
- Semi
- 24
- CC
- Reliable:
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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Des Plaines, Illinois. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).
Price history
Prices for this station have historically varied from $0.75 to $4.99 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.
Station Photos
CNG has collected 1 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)
User comments
CNG has collected 19 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.
Date | User | Comment |
20 Nov 2007 | anonymous | Payment: FuelMan |
20 Nov 2007 | anonymous | Hours: 24 hours daily, Call 800-383-5626 to set up FuelMa |
31 Mar 2014 | rexki | Past (2013) have gotten oil contamination of 3-4 tablespoons over 30 trips at 6 GGE per fill. Check your CNG filters every 6 months!! |
5 Dec 2013 | anonymous | GTI price $2.29, Clean Energy $2.36. |
29 Aug 2013 | ninjarider | Two stations in one. One clean energy, one run by the gas institute. CE cards do work. so-so fill. |
26 Mar 2013 | ScoobyDoo | Very reliable fueling location, but a bit difficult to spot it from Mt Prospect Rd for a first time user. Signage should be visible a located overhead as customers enter the location. Takes all CC 24hrs/day @ 3,400-3,600psi & at $2.359/GGE around the Chicagoland area with very few locations available it's a good deal/price/value. Highly recommended. Live in the area a fill up regularly which proves it's a regularly maintained location. |
8 Dec 2011 | anonymous | New Clean Cities dispenser up and operational, dual hose dispenser, accepts most major credit cards. requires 1st time user to watch a training video. Larger trucks able to fill here, truck turn around. 3600PSI |
19 Oct 2011 | anonymous | New dispenser is installed at this location by Clean Energy, and the price is $2.35GGE. Nice dispenser, price is aripoff! |
2 Sep 2011 | anonymous | Card reader on pump 2-3 doesn't work,(dose not read the card) have to enter all the numbers form the card + pin +milege. Card reader on old dispenser (3000psi) is OK. FUELMAN card ONLY !!! |
31 Aug 2011 | anonymous | Fuelman card ONLY!!! |
30 Apr 2011 | anonymous | 2011-04-30 Good pressure 3600psi, price now is $2.35GGE |
26 Apr 2011 | anonymous | Fuelman card ONLI !!! price $2.19GGE |
23 Mar 2011 | anonymous | 23-Mar-2011 Pressure ~3100psi, $2.19GGE Fuelman Card ONLY !!! |
28 Feb 2011 | anonymous | as of today Feb28-2011 $2.19 perGGE. Fuelman ONLY!!! presure is ~ 3100psi on 3600psi pump |
31 Dec 2010 | anonymous | This station is operational and has recently been upgraded with a new compressor. To answer the question from 10-20-2010, FuelMan is a fleet fueling card that is often used in the Midwest. Please call 800-383-5626 x3389 to set up FuelMan account. |
20 Oct 2010 | anonymous | What is a FuelMan Card? Can anyone help me find one? |
15 Jun 2010 | anonymous | As of today(Jun-14-2010) very good pressure ~3700psi. $2.19 GGE Fuelman card |
16 Apr 2010 | anonymous | From the corner of Willie Rd. and Mt. Prospect head south toward the freeway about a 1/4 mile. Station entrance is the first right into a turnaround circle. After hours requires Fuelman/Gascard (my State of Utah issued card worked fine). |
6 Aug 2009 | anonymous | As of Aug-3-2009 station IS Operational! 24Hours FuelMan card ONLY. ~3200psi Price $2.19 |
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