Stations > CNG > Wisconsin > Milwaukee

Station details for the GAIN Clean Fuel Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Station details:

$2.49 per ggeupdated 125 months ago by usventurecng

GAIN Clean Fuel

2425 S 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53215


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $0.62 to $2.49 per gge. We have data extending back to February 2008 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

User comments

CNG has collected 12 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily
20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: MasterCard VISA
27 Jan 2012anonymousFilled 82 DGE heavy truck to 3221 PSI today in short order. Good modern pump.
6 Jan 2012anonymousCouldn't fill, out of service. This station is becoming unreliable. Too bad, it was one of the best.
3 Jan 2012anonymousJust filled up tonight. $2.08 GGE and filled to 3400 psi. Too bad WI isn't like Utah when it comes to helping us use alternative fuels.
31 Dec 2011anonymousWe increased our price of CNG to cover our cost of maintenance and repairs of our CNG compressors and dispensers, and also to cover our credit card processing costs. None of these costs were included in our price for CNG, previous to November 1st.
3 Dec 2011anonymousPressure 2600 on 3600 pump on 12/2/11. Why is there cost differential with other WE Energies stations? Why did price soar .50 in a few days?
21 Aug 2009anonymousAlways dependable fill. Four star rating from this regular customer!
13 Aug 2009anonymousStrong 3700~3800psi fill. This pump rocks!
22 Jun 2009anonymousemployee at we-energies is a gerat help and a pleasure to deal with A+
15 Jun 2009anonymousFilled yesterday. Station has new dispenser that works fantastically.

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