Stations > CNG > California > Thousand Oaks

Station details for the City of Thousand Oaks (Trillium CNG) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station in Thousand Oaks, California

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Station details:

$2.30 per ggeupdated 57 months ago by anonymous

City of Thousand Oaks (Trillium CNG)

1993 Rancho Conejo Boulevard Thousand Oaks, CA 91320


  • 3600
  • 3000
  • Box
  • Semi
  •   24  
  •  CC 
  • Reliable:

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The map shows this station and stations that are near it in Thousand Oaks, California. The number on the icon shows the current price for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the station such as the address, phone number, hours of operation and any other comments people have posted about the station (you can post your own comments if you know something, too!).

Price history

Prices for this station have historically varied from $1.68 to $3.12 per gge. We have data extending back to November 2007 for this station. Historical data can be obtained by contacting us.

Station Photos

CNG has collected 4 pictures of this station. Scroll through to see them. Click on any picture to enlarge it (you can scroll through the pictures in the enlarged window, too.)

User comments

CNG has collected 43 user comments about this station. They often have useful information about how to find a station or how reliabile it is, or whether it is well lit at night. Peruse the comments here, or add your own comment.

20 Nov 2007anonymousPayment: MasterCard VISA
20 Nov 2007anonymousPSI fills: 3000 3600
20 Nov 2007anonymousHours: 24 hours daily, Pinnacle card also accepted
9 Dec 2018anonymousonly yellow 3600 psi, no 3000 psi
21 Oct 2018anonymousPump #1 works. Pump #2 buttons don't work.
27 Nov 2016surething88Was initially fooled by the locked automatic gate but then drove a little ways to the end of the cul-de-sac and found it. The nozzle handles a little different than most others I use, but it worked fine and got a good fill.
11 Oct 2016wparishI stopped here 10-9-16 and had no problems. My Waze app stopped too soon, and I had trouble finding it. It's all the way at the end of the street. I got a good 3600psi fill here, pushed my GX bar to a solid "F2".
1 Sep 2015robodudeCannot get receipt
15 Jul 2015anonymousPump not working, poor customer support., around sunset, Called the 800 number (24/7 so called support!) on the pump, got a Mary, customer service, who used me to try to debug the issue with the pump, swiping my card for every iteration, spent over an hour, and she could not figure it out, finally said that they will send someone in the morning to fix the pump, what should one does when the car is really low on fuel, called AAA to tow the car to the nearist station.
20 May 2014anonymousLocated at the very end of the cul de sac. A little difficult to find because there is another gated fill station near the end of the street as well. The pump initially would not take my card, but I used the onsite phone and the very helpful Trillium employee reset the pump and it then worked fine.
20 Feb 2014anonymousStation has been down for 12 hour periods this week for compressor service. Response to last comment - there is no security gate, go to the end of Rancho Conejo Blvd to culdesac. Public station on L. Open 24/7.
15 Dec 2013anonymousNo one answered security gate on Saturday. Hours showed closed on Friday-Sunday. Waste of time & fuel driving to station.
2 Nov 2013anonymous5 years of filling here. Pretty reliable over the past year after a new card scanner panel install, until this past week. Two round trips from home on an empty tank, because of pump problems. I had to get towed tonight to get my car back to a finally working pump. They always blame other entities, but don't work on how to make a more stable pump. Use caution at this location. Don't wait til your on empty to fill.
6 Apr 2013anonymousstation works fine for me every time. It is the old school valve style. no video explaining it so check out the youtube video first. pointer should be facing away when you put on the nozzle, then turn pointer towards fuel tank to lock on. then lift filler thing to pump. easy once you get used to it.
2 Dec 2012anonymousDO NOT RELY on this station AT ALL. Thank goodness I had some CNG left in my tank and made it to Canoga Park. With the technician on the phone we tried it 7 times and could not get the 3000psi nozzle to work. He said a sensor would not recognize the open valve in my car.
9 Nov 2012anonymousit's good!
22 May 2012anonymousTrillium/Pinnacle techs told me they upraded system over weekend replacing a less dependable wireless communication system with a hardwired system for increasing reliability. Worked fine Mon eve May 21 but they were still working out some glitches.
8 Apr 2012anonymousAs of 4/7/2012 4:30pm, temporarily non-operational; customer support phone had a recorded message, "Zone 3 alarm detected, NOT okay."
7 Apr 2012anonymousCaught again with an empty tank at this horribly unreliable pump. DO NOT RELY ON FILLING AN EMPTY TANK! I have been towed to another pump because of this pump, and today on fumes i made it to the Canoga Valley Pump. Too much drama at this place. I will not trust it again. The help line isn't even manned by a real person. Just a full voicemail box, where you can't even tell them it's broken.
15 Mar 2012anonymousI have been to this station multiple times and 3/11/12 was the first time I couldn't get it to work. As I recall the card reader says stripe up, either side. If that's wrong they need to change it. I tried it about 10 times with the stripe on either side, normal, slow and fast removal. No workie.
25 Jan 2012anonymousinsert credit card with strip facing left, and don't remove too fast. I used the help phone at the station and they walked me through it. station does work
20 Dec 2011anonymousThis station is tricky, but does work. Got a good fill earlier this week. Open the valve after putting the nozzle onto the car. Then swipe your card with the magnetic strip facing to the right, and be patient. Plus, can't beat the mountain view here!
16 Nov 2011anonymousCouldn't get pump to work. Charged my card even though I didn't pump any fuel. This pump is consistently down and not reliable.
7 Nov 2011anonymousTook several swipes to get the pump to operate. the display is broken, no idea of the gallons pumped or the price you pay.
2 Oct 2011anonymousPump Down. Part Ordered. Maybe operational by Monday Oct. 3.
21 Feb 2011anonymousCredit card readout is not working but the pump will fill the tank. Set up, swiped card, no readout, pump filled the tank. Pressure at end was 3700 psig. Read out never moved from regular ready appearence.
6 Oct 2010anonymousCredit card problems have resurfaced, VERY POOR FILLS SOMETIMES. Sometimes 2900, sometimes 3750, SOmetimes you have to run the credit card 2 times to get a good fill. I wish they would get this in order, but price is Better and it is NOT clean energy
24 May 2010anonymousThe pump seems to have been serviced in the last 2 weeks. I have had 2 weeks of consistent fills, and the receipts print automatically from the printer.
2 May 2010anonymousWARNING: DO NOT GO TO THIS PUMP ON AN EMPTY TANK. 2 years of frozen screens, partial fills, no/low pressure, card scanner mishaps, & many calls to help line haven't fixed this antique pump. Help line didn't even work tonight. # to call 432-694-0202
31 Mar 2010anonymousThe lights at night have been fixed. The screen comes and goes. Still no receipt available. The Credit Card situation is improved, but not perfect. Many times fills to 2800, then re-run credit card to get to 3600. Overall, not perfect, but ...
31 Mar 2010anonymousThe prices seem to be fixed to actual CNG prices and not keyed to $.50 below Gasoline prices. The price has been set to $1.93 for quite a while, while the other stations have been floating up and down. My main station due to price!
6 Feb 2010anonymousEvery time I've used this pump the display is frozen.. You can get phone assistance to get fuel, but this display needs to be fixed.
6 Jul 2009anonymousI've been getting a better fill and a more consistent hook using the 3000 than the 3600.
30 May 2009anonymousOnly been able to achieve a 3000 psi fill with the 3600 psi nozzle the last few times I have visited, it is still one of the only independent stations and still cheaper than Clean Energy
20 Mar 2009anonymousGreat fill. Scary looking pump, missing a lot of labels and duct tape around the fill hose. Not for first-timers. Also, directions in the trip planner are off. It's on the left side at the end of the cul-de-sac, about 2 mi. from the freeway.
19 Feb 2009anonymousPros: got the highest fill I have ever gotten on my Honda GX- never saw the gauge that high (19 out of 20) Cons: Took a call on the box and ten minutes to get the "frozen" pump screen off and the thing started. No receipt available. Higher price.
28 Dec 2008anonymousThis is a scary old pump, looks like something built in someones garage. And who pays $2/gal for CNG?
16 Oct 2008anonymousStation is VERY inconsistent. I seldom get out in less than 20 minutes and without making 1 or 2 calls on the box. There is a problem with their credit card company, I believe since City workers with Pinnacle cards have far fewer problems.
15 Oct 2008anonymousThis station has a recurring problem with a "frozen" pump screen. You can't see how many gallons or price, but the pump does work, if you follow normal hookup procedures, and put you credit card in reader.
22 Aug 2008anonymousHas anyone figured out how get a receipt from this unit?
10 Aug 2008anonymousNever have had a good fill here(even though it is my main fill station). Even 3600 PSI hose will only deliver enough to hit the 3000 PSI gauge on my GX. (Meter seventeen out of 20 on the fuel meter.)
28 May 2008anonymous1-3000 PSI PUMP, 1-3600PSI PUMP
28 Nov 2007anonymousLights are off at night, but pump still active.

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